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2008-10-05 20:09:22| 人氣232| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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 Blue < U Make Me Wanna >

You know you make me wanna.
You know you make me wanna.

To start it off I know you know me
To come to think of it, it was only last week.
That I had a dream about us, oh.
That's why I am here, I'm writing this song.
To tell the truth you know I have been hurting all along,
Someway let me know, you want me girl.

Everytime you see me what do you see?
I feel like I'm a poor man and you're the queen.
Oh baby, you're the only thing that I really need.
Baby that's why:

You make me wanna call you in the middle of the night.
You make me wanna hold you till the morning light.
You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.
You make me wanna surrender my soul.
I know this is a feeling that I just can't fight.
You're the first and last thing on my mind.
You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.
You make me wanna surrender my soul.

Well I know that these feelings won't end no, no.
They'll just get stronger if I see you again.
Baby I'm tired of being friends.
I wanna know if you feel the same
And could you tell me do you feel my pain?
Don't leave me in doubt.

Everytime you see me what do you see?
I feel like I'm a poor man and you're the queen.
Oh baby, you're the only thing that I really need.
And baby that's why:

You make me wanna call you in the middle of the night.
You make me wanna hold you till the morning light.
You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.
You make me wanna surrender my soul.
I know this is a feeling that I just can't fight.
You're the first and last thing on my mind.
You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.
You make me wanna surrender my soul.

I'll take you home real quick
And sit you down on the couch
Pour some Dom Perignon and hit the lights out.
Baby we can make sweet love.
Then we'll take it nice and slow.
I'm gonna touch you like you've never know before
We're gonna make love all night.

You make me wanna call you in the middle of the night.
You make me wanna hold you till the morning light.
You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.
You make me wanna surrender my soul.
I know this is a feeling that I just can't fight.
You're the first and last thing on my mind.
You make me wanna love, you make me wanna fall.
You make me wanna surrender my soul.

 ---derive from : Youtube - Blue < U Make Me Wanna >




只想聽你這麼對我說 如果你懂 你就會懂 我希望你懂 卻又不禁擔心後果與結局

真是含蓄害羞卻又大膽熱情的歌詞 好想聽你真心說出

矮呦~ 討厭




台長: 孤單巴蕾
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全站分類: 彩虹同志(同志心情、資訊) | 個人分類: mood |
此分類上一篇:I got a new necklace

Hand wii
2008-10-31 00:34:08
Does anyone here know which one's my favorite?



I don't know...It's just...not my problem...


2008-11-07 05:49:00
Hand wii
2008-12-29 05:07:00

原來 是我高估了各位
不 不是這樣子的
有人說 沒人會跟我搶
另一方面想起來 倒也不錯

因為他很像你 感覺
Antony Costa
但 我不在乎 因為我覺得這是一種對朋友的讚美

《歌舞青春3:畢業季/High School Musical 3:Senior Year》
柴克艾福隆/Zac Efron很像一個曾經的朋友


2008-12-29 05:21:47
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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