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2006-05-21 16:36:22| 人氣105| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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Sometimes , just a while . . . . . 

My heart could make me think of 

the fact that we’re apart .

Therefore , Frequently , I have to 

cool my hope and passion , cut my

endless thinking , and stop my 

meaningless wondering .


What make me become so strange ?

It’s you !  

Ok . Maybe I’m foolish , maybe I

have part responsibility for it .

What about you ?


Listen :

If you have something undone , 

you’d better do it now !

Otherwise , you’ll feel regretful .

That’s what I really don’t want to 
see it happen .


Last but not least ,

I would never forgive you and 
thank for your special treatment .


台長: 孤單巴蕾


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