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2007-10-03 22:16:16| 人氣246| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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隨著「All-Time-Favorite-Artist」」安妮.蘭妮克絲(Annie Lennox)的最新大碟,
「全面解構」(Songs of Mass Destruction)即將於十月九日在台上市,
( 果真~ 還沒有長大吧!!? )
總是有種~ 小小粉絲要親身貼近/目睹偶像的興奮~ 不安~ 和雀躍不已的期盼~
所以, 把安妮說是吸血鬼的All-Time-Favorite-Artist,
也不會誇張到哪兒去~~ XD

今天, 意外的收到了從英國訂購的單曲CD和宣傳CD共三張,
一天同時收到安妮的五張不同CD, 也算是非常難得可貴的經驗~
Dark Road, UK CD5", 88697157432.
A Thousand Beautiful Things, 1 track Promo, AL3.
Wonderful, 1 track Promo, AL4.
Bare, 素顏(日盤12首,Sample 見本品), BVCP 24034.
Pavement Cracks, 1 track Promo,82876 526442.
(此細碟係歐製, 但有日文介紹貼紙!)

Promo宣傳CD純粹係收藏炫耀用途~ XD
也順便當成慶祝 4.5K 達成 的賀禮~ XD
( 敗家~ 仍舊需要理由以達心安~~ XD )
" 素顏 "的見本品,
也算是為了那 Extra track: Cold-Recorded live in Toronto. 而下手.
但, 最終目的還是為了和 Pavement Cracks的 1 track Promo共同分攤運費.

而最新單曲: 黑暗之路, Dark Road. 內容實在陽春~
1. Album Version 3.47
2. Acoustic Version 3.30
可說是真正的單曲CD! 一首當A-side主打, 另外一首則是B-side贈送.
只是~ 吸血鬼珍惜 & 喜愛這B-side非常~~
簡單的說, 吸血鬼愛這 Acoustic 版本更勝 專輯版本!
( 拜託~ 不要再來個 Radio Edit版本啊~~ XD )

大抵是因為簡單~ 然後, 安妮的聲線更顯而易見地表現出情感~

而除了單曲CD之外, DVD單曲當然亦是敗家的清單必列物品!
所以早已搭乘飛機回到台灣來, 暫時安頓於同學家中.

因此, 心情如何平復啊~~ XD
「全面解構」專輯的限量版本的種類, 更是較吸血鬼傷腦筋的無所適從!
真的有CD+DVD版本? 還是只是網路賣家的資料誤植而已呢?
煩惱~ 煩惱~~
假如果真有CD+DVD版本, 那麼DVD內容的多樣性可就非常吸引人了~
畢竟, CD的Audio Commentary 是只有Audio 聲音而已,
而DVD播放Audio Commentary 則理當會有畫面的觀看!
( 縱使沒有加入 Commentary 的錄影~ )
因此, 吸血鬼為此煩惱可非單純地庸人自擾啊~~ XD

唉哎~ 在購入「全面解構」之前~ 是很難專心工作的 XD
這週, 肯定難過的哩... ... 一一

黑暗之路, 又算是一首悲傷歌曲吧~

只是~ 悲傷背後,何嘗不是喜悅?
( 就像是... 解構 亦同 築建... ... )

It’s a dark road
And a dark way that leads to my house
And the word says
That you’re never gonna find me there, oh no
I’ve got an open door
It didn’t get there by itself
It didn’t get there by itself…

There’s a feelin’
But you’re not feelin’ it at all
There’s a meaning
But you’re not listening anymore
I look at that open road
I’m gonna walk there by myself…

And if you catch me I might try to run away
You know I can’t be there too long
And if you let me I might try to make you stay
Seems you never realize a good thing til it’s gone…

Maybe I’m still searchin’ but I don’t know what it means
All the fires of destruction are still burnin’ in my dreams
There’s no water that can wash away this longin’ to come clean…
Hey yea yea…

I can’t find the joy within my soul
It’s just sadness takin’ hold
I wanna come in from the cold
And make myself renewed again
It takes strength to live this way
The same old madness every day
I wanna kick these blues away
I wanna learn to live again

Hey hey hey

It’s a dark road
And a dark way that leads to my house
And the word says
That you’re never gonna find me there, oh no
I’ve got an open door
It didn’t get there by itself
It didn’t get there by itself…


Dark Road, Album Version, 3.47
Produced by Glen Ballard for Aerowave Production, Inc.
Mixed by Tom Lord-Alge at South Beach Studios.
Mix Assistant: Femio Hernandez.
Recording Engineer: Scott Campbell.
Recorded at The High Window and Westlake Studios.
Arrangements and Additional Production by Mike Stevens.
Vocals: Annie Lennox.
Drums: Blair Sinta.
Bass: Sean Hurley.
Guitar: Joel Shearer.
Piano: Randy Kerber.
Keyboard: Zac Rae.
Mastered by Ted Jesena at Sterling Sound.

Dark Road, Acoustic Version, 3.30
Produced, Mixed and All Instruments by Annie Lennox and Mike Stevens.
Recorded at Canalot 302B.
Mastered by Ian Cooper at Metropolis Mastering.

Written by Annie Lennox.
Published by BMG Music Pubishing LTD.
Cover Image: Mike Owen & Mark Langthorne.
Design: Allan Martin.
Management Simon Fuller, 19 Management.

台長: 給吸血鬼的情歌
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