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2006-12-25 21:48:04| 人氣87| 回應3 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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我準備左一樣好有心的禮物~我從來都冇做過架... 你就是這個幸福的人喇~~~ 時間不多.. 但我用左超過十個小時來完成.. 一開始.. 我想哭.. 因為弄不來. 不過最後都能好好咁完成.. 本來可以8點左右出門.. 誰不知自己又搞到大家要9點几先可以食飯..真係好盟自己!好好地一日..都搞到咁無奈..>.< 

開心的是... 你驚喜的表情.. 笑着地說 真的嗎? 我會記住!
lum lum的~~ 我覺得織得闊一點.. 否則會更好呢~ 

係mickey食完飯後.. 就去左漁人碼頭影相....

我終於親手織左一條頸巾呀... 好興奮~~~


有種悶悶不樂的心情................ 越想越唔開心~

6點几.. 已聽到jessie係到大吵~~~~ 一聽己知咩事~ jessie d 語氣又真係几xy... 我被嘈醒了.. 唉~~ 阿妹d態度真係唔知几時可以改到.. 最後聽到佢超差態度咁叫爸爸:”我唔拎行李呀!!!你拎左佢啦” 

我真係覺得好唔開心... 呢個屋企----> 其實細佬已經唔多理dad & mum... 但都會煮下飯..幫下手.. 細妹一向火氣大..仲咩都唔做... 呢兩位人兄平時都唔會parent交談.. 真想像唔想.. 平時屋企係咩樣... 唔通淨係食飯先gather埋? 好累呀... 想想下又再睡了~

話說回來,自己也不是和他們有什麼詳談~~~學業的話,一向都不多問;其他只是侃侃而談.. 唔知點解,真的沒什麼好說? 但真不想這樣..


2007/12/25 21:40 在房中看碟~就是這樣~

ricky有點唔舒服...留在家~ 休息多d.
mi..sifud .. 都唔出
最後揾左con陪我睇discs... 終於睇左b420...几好笑
不過超早就番屋企了...我這個人係超級唔中意係節日既時候留係屋企.. 好悶... 細妹又去左旅行..媽咪又去左大陸

我唔知呀!!! 唔開心唔開心~~~ 

今日好似打左几多電話比你... 我想講 .. 我想去睇戲..同出街.+唔開心~ 唉~~~ 唔知點解你唔得.. 其他人都唔想找呀...
點知最後一個電話只係.... ”晚點再打比你啦” -.-無野lu!!

台長: *FancyLenG *


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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

留在家~ 休息左一個下午

聽日有一整日既節目呀!!! cheer up!!
2006-12-26 00:17:20
mz cryz
you know how when we get older, our thoughts keep changing with us? we became to be more experienced with the world and learned how to react to different situations more maturelly. we perceive things differently as experiences keep changing us everyday and it’s pathetic to know that we’re being influenced by the others days after days. i hope our lives experiences will bring us together one day and we can reunite again.
California is not the ideal place for me spend my life in. i’m thinking moving to somewhere else after i graduate. you have any ideas for me? new york sounds good, but too expensive to live in... macau is another option, but i don’t think my chinese can survive there. i just hope that i won’t get stuck here forever. well... crystal is being a biatch and she gets no lovers... maybe i’m not ready for a real relationship yet. i might still be in my own bubble and enjoying life for a while. gosh... i don’t want to be tied down to anyone yet, at least not for whomever, but that ONE person! hehe... i’m still surviving and making some bucks here and there. take care girl. live our lives and we will soon reunite! love you and missing you!
2006-12-26 17:15:24
my dear leng~~
merry x’mas!!
boxing day today wor, surely get lots of presents la, haha
knitting scarf ar, so sweet sweet ar
i have also made one before, with many holes , heehee
2006-12-27 01:12:41
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