Dear diary,
Seeing my motto written here on this blog,
I could be bounded in a nutshell and count myself a king of infinite space.
~ Hamlet, William Shakespeare ~
I am soooooooo sad!!
I forgot those words during my difficult time this early Dec.
Getting through the hardest time during my first semester in a foreign place with unfamiliar weather, though the semester ended with an final exam, in which I may have the chance to get a 100, I am truely not happy.
I don’t know why I could fall down form the very top to such a deep valley that obstruct me so much. And I forgot my goals during the 2 weeks. WHY ??
These days, I remembered the time I took my bike home at 2:00am with the -2 degrees centigrade temperture, and another time I did this at 5:30am. I remembered the sunrise I saw in the school building. I remembered I took the first subway train home. I remembered that day I went back at 7:30, took a shower, and then went back to school directly without any sleep for my on-campus job.
I don’t care about surpassing the staying up records again and again during this hard time. What I do care is why I can slip into a such bad mood. I do need a strong heart to keep on track, to go the distance. I don’t like this disorder.
However, some good things are, there are always friends. Seeing the change of my nickname on MSN, or the articles here, they showed much concern about me. some of them, I even don’t keep in touch with so often.
Mat, Bel, Reb, S, Pei... and Jin, Vi... form home land, and some of you, who I forgot at this moment....
Thanks..... It’s you guys that push me through.