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2014-09-26 23:47:15| 人氣252| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

High expectations for myself

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Last nite I wrote an email to a receiver. N I found out it's not simply a letter of response but encouged words to myself. The expectations gonna empower me to achieve my potential.
{I am pretty sure the program will awaken in me a joy of learning. I try to connect creative expression to knowledge. N be a warrior to take every chance n drop every fear.}
Again, be a warrior not worrier. Enjoy sun shining down on me every day.
Superbly delightful heart n mind.

台長: Louishakespeare
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全站分類: 教育學習(進修、留學、學術研究、教育概況) | 個人分類: 管理學院 |
此分類下一篇:Study isn't priority
此分類上一篇:Wat I learned by an accidental fb issue

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