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2007-05-12 00:40:06| 人氣392| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Book review: The Laramie Project

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這禮拜讀了一本docu-drama play: The Laramie Project
主辦者Moises Kauffman是 New York劇場者,當1998發生一件憾動美國與世界的hate crime,Kauffman決定和劇團人員前往事發小鎮Laramie,以採訪行式了解此事件.在一年中他們來回小鎮六次並花半年時間整理資料與完成劇本.2000此劇在美國演出.之後HBO改編成電影(聽教授說很爛)

一開始讀的時候就被吸引住,雖然劇作家採用"moment scene"寫法,但讀者很容易把它當作犯罪小說閱讀.我一口氣花幾個小時把它解決掉,因為真的很好看,也很sad,也很感人(我有哭yo)

故事主軸是講a young gay man, Matthew Sheperd,in Wyoming.1998年10月他被毆打重傷並遺棄在荒郊長達18小時.當他被發現時,只剩下餘氣.警方馬上介入調查此仇恨罪(the hate crime),並逮捕Aaron McKinney and Russell Henderson.
回到案發當晚,這兩位straight men來到一家bar,遇見Matthew,知道他是同性戀後,故意說要送他回家,但事際上是要好好教訓他是gay(the hate crime)並加以搶劫.

The Laramie project內容是透過劇場團員,當地居民與相關人事採訪, 重整案發之前/後.經由不同發聲體,給予不同層面角度 This is reallyo one of the best play I like in this course. 不是因為他的寫作假構,而是故事本身所帶來實質意義與劇場與社會的互動

Matthew Sheperd 的犧牲使美國民眾強力推廣hate crime的通過.並適著更接納同性戀者.我想我們都該學習去接受"不一樣"態度與經驗.當社會機構企圖以一種單元價值觀值入民眾生活,我們更應該在做任何事之前,問自己"為什麼"

"Tear down the wall you’ve set up"
"No boundary"

Know more about Matthew Sheperd:

His story: (From Matthew Sheperd Foundation website)

The life and death of Matthew Shepard changed the way we talk about and deal with hate in the United States. For the past eight years, the legacy of this remarkable young man’s life has challenged and inspired millions of individuals to erase hate in all forms. Although his life was short, it continues to have a great impact on both young and old alike.

The story of Matthew Shepard begins on December 1, 1976 when he was born prematurely to Judy and Dennis Shepard in the small city of Casper, Wyoming. Matthew attended school in Casper until his junior year of high school when he finished his primary education at The American School in Switzerland. His experience abroad fueled his love for travel. He took the opportunity to explore Europe and learn multiple languages including German and Italian.

Matthew was an optimistic and accepting young man. He always put his family and friends first and had a special gift of relating to almost everyone. He was the type of person that was very approachable and always looked to new challenges. Matthew had a great passion for equality and always stood up for the acceptance of people’s differences. Throughout his life he expressed his love for acting by becoming very active in community theater both on and off stage.

Matthew’s college career took him to a number of different universities and later ended up studying political science, foreign relations and languages at the University of Wyoming in Laramie. He was extremely interested in politics and was chosen as the student representative for the Wyoming Environmental Council.

The horrific events that took place shortly after midnight on October 7, 1998 went against everything that Matthew embodied. Two men, Aaron McKinney and Russell Henderson, lead him to a remote area east of Laramie where they demonstrated unimaginable acts of hate. Matthew was tied to a split-rail fence where he was beaten and left to die in the cold of the night. Almost 18 hours later he was found by a cyclist who initially mistook him for a scarecrow.

Matthew died on October 12 at 12:53 am at a hospital in Fort Collins, Colorado. His entire family was by his side for last few days of his life. His funeral was attended by friends and family from around the world and gained the appropriate media attention that brought Matthew’s story to the forefront of the fight against hate.

This tragedy helped the nation wake up to the fact that hate and discrimination still lives in our communities, our schools and our families. Although his life was cut short, the impact of his spirit is great.

台長: Louishakespeare
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