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2005-08-15 00:10:10| 人氣77| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Why do you want to preserve your exsistence?

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it’s the question a video director offered.
he expressed his view via motion picture with muzik
how about my answer?
I haven’t asked such question for long time, if I did, it could happend long time ago, a school girl’s wondering.
suddenly I’m unable to comprehend the essence of this issue, did I change?
or My status is "I don’t want to preserve my exisstence."
why I should leave sth in the world?
I just wanna do sth to improve the world wonderful rather than honor myself to the folks. I don’t need statues or any awards during my life or after my death.
but how about narrowing down to individual exixtence? I only like using words to trace down my past cos I always forgot what I did/thought. Through records, I realized I was alive.
I don’t think my answer is good enough cos I never remind of any philosophers or artilces to demonstrate or analyze the topic.
I’m still in teenager girl’s process. just wondering w/o examples.
my bad~.~~

台長: Louishakespeare
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全站分類: 台灣旅遊(台澎金馬)

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