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2004-07-01 20:45:42| 人氣742| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

從The memorial談用劇場方式紀念一個人

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New Jersey悼念911事件的紀念碑已公佈,由the Manhattan-based architect Frederic Schwartz. 主導。

我與紀念碑的第一次接觸是Maya Lin's Vietnam War memorial in Washington. 從設計者中牽動個人與歷史的vibes。以下是自己對the memorial的notes並搭配紐約時報對911事件紀念碑報導。

English description is from 《New York Times》

1:Significance: Mr. Schwartz said that he planned the memorial to be "powerful, and it should be, to reflect the magnificent people who died."

2:Concept: Mr. Schwartz's memorial, "Empty Sky," is reminiscent of Maya Lin's Vietnam War memorial in Washington. It has two facing walls of brushed stainless steel with the names of each New Jersey victim engraved on them. As Mr. Schwartz's firm put it: "Individuals' names are within easy reach and engraved deep enough for hand rubbing

3:Design-material\transition:The walls' proportions will be the same as those of the twin towers if they were lying on their sides. And the surfaces of the steel walls will reflect the changing light of day, as the towers once did. At night the memorial will be illuminated so beams of light shoot into the sky.

4:Dead《be memorized》:"All the names are there, and you can touch and see them"

5:Visitors 《remember》:Between the walls will be a walkway of bluestone. And at the base of each wall will be a space for visitors to leave tributes to the dead.

之所以引用這case與文章,是裏頭有許多The memorial itself探討與對911─我們記憶猶新的事件如何interprete。我並不在意設計師說的“要有力地呈現這些偉大的逝者”,倒是care長眠者與前去悼念者的互動,及the memorial如何轉換過去的雙子星塔。我是如此深愛文章中的這幾句話:

→"All the names are there, and you can touch and see them"
→" Between the walls will be a walkway of bluestone. And at the base of each wall will be a space for visitors to leave tributes to the dead. "
→"Individuals' names are within easy reach and engraved deep enough for hand rubbing"
→"And the surfaces of the steel walls will reflect the changing light of day, as the towers once did. "

來到了劇場,如何從紀念碑角度紀錄特定人事物?!之所以用紀念碑概念,是想突破劇場慣有方式哀慟事件。或許保留原有方式是表現劇場獨特性,but I want to have a go by alternative, esp this form(the memorial) is the original way we memorize an incident.

picture from 《New York Times》

台長: Louishakespeare
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全站分類: 藝術設計(手創、設計、室內空間、裝潢)

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