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2003-02-13 23:16:23| 人氣29| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

shocking news

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0岩0岩收到舊同學icq message:

I got from my colleague (she also come from SSC) I regret to tell
you that Mr.Yim Yee Sing, our respectable teacher was passed away few days ago, on 3/2/. From the info I heard, that day he was going to HK airport to travel to USA to visit his elder son Yim Ka Hon. He took a ferry from Lamma
Island to Central and stroke suddenly on the ferry. There was a doctor on
the ferry incidentally but he told his family he was gone.

// 嚴sir 係我form 3 中史同埋form 5 中文老師. 0個陣對佢印象唔算太深, 不過覺得佢幾好人. 後來知道, 又好又斯文0既老師唔易搵 (我睇母校討論區居然有人話而家d 老師爆粗)

anyway, 咁就走左, 實在有d 可惜...

台長: ah b
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