近來忙到飛起, 但係唔代表冇生活. 時間關係, 用以下email 交代...
-----Original Message-----
From: dee
Sent: Friday, August 30, 2002 10:32 AM
To: ah b
Subject: Fw:
ah b,
剛剛mdm 電來
sat 大坑 14:00
(note: it was airway management course)
----- Original Message -----
From: ah b
To: dee
Sent: Friday, August 30, 2002 10:36 AM
Subject: RE:
係喎, airway management, 差d 唔記得左, 仲差d 約左人做facial 0忝....
as a result my friend and me bought the facial for bodyline (note: dee give me 2 coupons for free facial/ slimming and I used them with 百合, as a result we both joined courses... although 百合will leave hk to paris a month later)
2. -----Original Message-----
> From: ah b
> Sent: Friday, August 30, 2002 9:34 AM
> To: 百合
> Subject: sleepless
> I was sleepless last night and very sleepy this morning
> two things:
> 1. facial appointment: let's book sun afternoon. I am available
> until 1730.
> 2. I remembered you wanna go to tiu geng lang, is 8 Sep OK for you?
> if not, 22 Sep lu~
> Best regards,
> ah b
-----Original Message-----
> From: 百合
> Sent: Friday, August 30, 2002 9:37 AM
> To: ah b
> Subject: RE: sleepless
> yes, this morning cannot hear any sound from your side. i wonder if you
> have got up when i go out.
> 1. ho
> [ah b] 等佢開工(1100) 我打電話book
> 2. sep 8
> [ah b] 百合, remember to bring dig cam la~
> also, I took some pictures during trip in Guangzhou. But cannot retrieve
> them as I use the dig cam you gave me... (note: those are pics in June 2002, when I got a small trip to GZ by my own)
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