Hansel and Gretel
By Brothers Grimm
Retold by Rika Lesser/Paul O. Zelinsky
Zelinsky 這本繪本畫得非常細緻,封面的這張圖是全景敘述,讀者一眼就看到遠方的誘惑和危險,但是彷若舞台的場景裡,這兩個小孩還是天真的玩耍。
兩小孩被父母丟到森林裡,第一次 Hansel 還偷聽到父母談話,有時間撿石頭沿路做記號跑回家,第二次匆忙中撕了麵包就上路,麵包屑全讓小鳥吃光。好不容易得到的好運馬上消失。Hansel 邊走邊停下來回頭看,父親的沮喪和後母的冷漠都寫在臉上。Zelinsky 將全家畫得蒼白,看起來不是飢餓絕望而是惡意,氣氛詭異。


Further reading:
HANSEL AND GRETEL 格林童話《糖果屋》原故事開頭
Hard by a great forest dwelt a poor wood-cutter with his wife and his two children. The boy was called Hansel and the girl Gretel. He had little to bite and to break, and once when great dearth fell on the land, he could no longer procure even daily bread. Now when he thought over this by night in his bed, and tossed about in his anxiety, he groaned and said to his wife: 'What is to become of us? How are we to feed our poor children, when we no longer have anything even for ourselves?' 'I'll tell you what, husband,' answered the woman, 'early tomorrow morning we will take the children out into the forest to where it is the thickest; there we will light a fire for them, and give each of them one more piece of bread, and then we will go to our work and leave them alone. They will not find the way home again, and we shall be rid of them.' 'No, wife,' said the man, 'I will not do that; how can I bear to leave my children alone in the forest?—the wild animals would soon come and tear them to pieces.' 'O, you fool!' said she, 'then we must all four die of hunger, you may as well plane the planks for our coffins,' and she left him no peace until he consented. 'But I feel very sorry for the poor children, all the same,' said the man. ……
書名 | Hansel and Gretel |
作者/繪者 | By Brothers Grimm Retold by Rika Lesser/Paul O. Zelinsky |
文字 |
故事 | 〈糖果屋〉還不夠家喻戶曉嗎? |
情節 | 兩個小孩因為飢荒被遺棄在森林裡,看到巫婆的糖果屋居然靠過去吃,讓巫婆逮住,將哥哥關在籠子裡養肥待宰,妹妹則當廚娘使喚。有一天巫婆已經不耐煩等待,叫妹妹燒水來煮哥哥。妹妹藉口不會生火,騙來巫婆、推進火裡燒死。兩人將巫婆的珠寶帶回去給爸爸,才知道媽媽已經死了,於是全家三人過著幸福快樂的故事。 |
主題 | 勇敢、增加逆境商數! |
敘事觀點 | 第三人稱 |
衝突 | 明知即將被遺棄,兩度逃開森林回到家。 |
邏輯與想像力 | 生存大作戰,不離各種手段。還是「糖果屋子」最經典!大概是讀者都還在口腔期的關係! |
語言 | 中難度的敘述語言,已經比原文簡易很多了。 |
是否適合朗誦? | 是 |
是否可作為圖書治療文本? | 不曉得這能治什麼? 治貪婪好了!(這兩小孩吃完糖果之後好像變得更貪婪了!) |
親子共讀? | 是!順便告誡爸媽:「去 【199 吃到飽】千萬不要吃那麼飽,不然會被變成豬哦!」 |
繪圖 |
版面設計 | 寫實、唯美 |
人物造型 | 寫實 |
氣氛 | 詭異 |
細節暗示 | 一無所有的人看到的東西大大不同:食物、寶物… |
驚喜 | 這個糖果屋看起來果然很好吃!涼涼的柺杖糖… |
故事連接線索 | 除了狠心的媽媽,最後這家人的眼神終於對上了。 |
每一頁的焦點 | 那當然是糖果屋的糖果啦! |
趣味性 | 巫婆的壁毯居然是這座糖果屋的設計圖!這個 icon 也太好用了! |