還記得我們年輕時候愛讀的 Hermann Hesse 吧?!假如不是要教【存在主義文學】,這本書不太可能從我家書櫃被取下,重見天日。
今天重教赫塞的《荒野之狼》,也許是剛好快到達 主角 Harry Haller 的年紀,對於他的徬徨更能認同的關係,黑板上寫了滿滿一大面,連著兩小時,講得口沫橫飛,好像也沒有人睡著,不時還有學生會很有元氣的大聲回答問題。
到了這年紀,看這種作品都不會覺得苦澀,而且非常同意 Hesse 的話,要笑!幽默是唯一的解藥。要笑得跟 Hermine 一樣豪邁,笑得跟 Goethe 一樣大聲,笑得跟 Mozart 一樣睿智。
小說裡頭的可愛女生 Hermine ,算是 Harry Haller 的自我化身,一個 Madonna-Sophia 式的 noble whore。她初見 Harry 時說了一大堆話罵 Harry, 把他弄得非常服貼。。(啊!真是欠罵的知識份子!)
You have a picture of life within you, a faith, a challenge, and you were ready for deeds and sufferings and sacrifices, and then you became aware by degrees that the world asked no deeds and no sacrifices of you whatever, and that life is no poem of heroism with heroic parts to play and so on, but a comfortable room where people are quite content with eating and drinking, coffee and knitting, cards and wireless. And whoever wants more and has got it in him—the heroic and the beautiful, and the reverence for the great poets or four the saints—is a fool and a Don Quixote. Good. And it has been just the same for me, my friend. I was a gifted girl. I was meant to live up to a high standard, to expect much of myself and do great things. I could have played a great part. I could have been the wife of a king, the beloved of a revolutionary, the sister of a genius, the mother of a martyr. And life has allowed me just this, to be a courtesan of fairly good taste, and even that has been hard enough. That is how things have gone with me. For a while I was inconsolable and for a long time I put the blame on myself. Life, thought I, must in the end be in the right, and if life scorned my beautiful dreams, so I argued, it was my dreams that were stupid and wrong headed. But hat did not help me at all. And as I had good eyes and ears and was a little inquisitive too, I took a good look at this so-called life and at my neighbors and acquaintances, fifty or so of them and their destinies, right a though and times over, just as yours had been. It was life and reality that were wrong. It was as little right that a woman like me should have no other choice than to grow old in poverty and in a senseless way at a typewriter in the pay of a money-maker, or to marry such a man for his money’s sake, or to become some kind of drudge, as for a man like you to be fo4ced in his loneliness and despair to have recourse to a razor. Perhaps the trouble with me was more material and moral and with you more spiritual—but it was the same road….
這位把生命搞得太清楚的 Harry Haller 終於肯定自己的狼性,歷經有趣的魔幻劇場 (根本就像玩 GAME! ) 洗禮之後,留下手記,(可能) 到另一個中產階級的溫馨住家繼續租屋過日子。
Bliss, Joy, Fun?