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2009-02-09 12:07:36| 人氣626| 回應10 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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想好大致的題目我就開始買書。聽說指導費是四千元。我大概已經買了七、八千元的書和 DVD。


1. Harold Bloom 的 Shakespeare: The Invention of the Human 不用說!Bloom 的英文優美,算是英語界的超級無敵大老。因為他的洞見清晰,我已經漸漸可以「不討厭」他的男性沙文主義觀念。(他把女性主義叫做「憎恨學派」。)


2. Majorie Garber 的 Shakespeare and Modern Culture 企圖解說莎翁作品風行四百年的緣由,說理清楚、旁徵博引、文字清新可喜,竟然還是暢銷好書!這種書都變成暢銷書,不佩服買書的人也不成! http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Shakespeare-and-Modern-Culture/Marjorie-Garber/e/9780307377678#EXC

3. Kenneth Gross 的 Shylock Is Shakespeare 用了聳動的書名當作切入點,研究莎翁的「自傳性質」。http://www.press.uchicago.edu/Misc/Chicago/309770.html

4. 最令人興奮的是發現彭鏡禧老師翻譯註釋的版本。彭老師很注意聽覺效果,譯本脫離艱澀的梁式朱式優雅,更符合現代人的語感。http://www.books.com.tw/exep/prod/booksfile.php?item=0010344758

因為這個題目各方討論已經太多,我叫學生集中討論電影的呈現語劇本之間的對話,算是文化詮釋。 YouTube 上剛好有一大段 Rose 對 2004 年版這一群主要工作群的訪問,實在方便了。http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=kHw8bHoz4n0

我也還蠻喜歡  Al Pacino 詮釋 Shylock 的受苦,但是莎翁時期一定不是這樣看待猶太人的「貪心和惡毒」!這個版本還把同志情誼渲染了一下下,Antonio 和 Bassanio 還有嘴對嘴的親吻,借錢的地方還故意放在床邊,很多人看了會生氣吧!?現代導演「畫蛇添足」的部分就是 modern sensibility. 很有趣的對話!(p.s. 這個 Bassanio 長得頗讓人討厭!一點都不像個romance 主角。也許導演看上的就是他的「卑微」?)


然後最大的收穫是託兩隻麻子去亞藝幫我買老片,他們買回了八部 BBC 拍的逐字版,讓我重新看 Romeo and Juliet, The Merry Wives of Windsor, Antony and Cleopatra...... 並且享受文藝復興時期大眾「聽戲」的文法與修辭!恰到好處的演技,特別推薦!(很貴就是了!)







PORTIA. The quality of mercy is not strain'd;
    It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven
    Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest:
    It blesseth him that gives and him that takes.
    'Tis mightiest in the mightiest; it becomes
    The throned monarch better than his crown;
    His sceptre shows the force of temporal power,
    The attribute to awe and majesty,
    Wherein doth sit the dread and fear of kings;
    But mercy is above this sceptred sway,
    It is enthroned in the hearts of kings,
    It is an attribute to God himself;
    And earthly power doth then show likest God's
    When mercy seasons justice. Therefore, Jew,
    Though justice be thy plea, consider this-
    That in the course of justice none of us
    Should see salvation; we do pray for mercy,
    And that same prayer doth teach us all to render
    The deeds of mercy. I have spoke thus much
    To mitigate the justice of thy plea,
    Which if thou follow, this strict court of Venice
    Must needs give sentence 'gainst the merchant there.



台長: Yvette
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全站分類: 不分類 | 個人分類: Marvelous movies |

I do need it.
I stayed in my hubby’s little study on our balcony listening to ”You’ve got mail” on Youtube all morning. I’m glad to have another choice this afternoon.
2009-02-09 12:53:23
I watched Wall-E.
I like Burn-E, too.
2009-02-09 12:56:01
Don’t you love Burn-E?
He is soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute!

Hey, I finish this ”artile.” Please check out The Merchant of Venice. If you can’t find them, I will give you ”my private collection.” Tell me if you need it.
2009-02-09 13:16:34
Sorry for the confusion:

My ”private collection” includes both versions.
2009-02-09 17:24:48
I’ve just finished my lunch.

The day before when asked if she wanted to watch Wall-E, chi-chi said it was so childish. But she she was the most excited when watching it.

My hubby asked me why Yvette can do much more things than I do. I think anything I say would be excuses to him.
2009-02-09 14:36:18
Tell him that’s because I do not cook nor do I do the laundry! I have to thank my parents one million times for allowing me to enjoy these nonsensical activities.

See? What I do every day at home is just tell funny stories to amuse my family, and ACT.
2009-02-09 14:43:49
Every day he enters our living room and sees me relaxing in front of the TV, after 2-hour work in the kitchen. Maybe it’s why he thinks laziness keeps me from reading or do something useful. He keeps telling me not to cook like others. But Ping-ping likes the lunch Mommy makes.
I don’t do the laundry, and he cleans the floor every week. Yet housekeeping still takes me a lot of time.
Thanks to my dear master, I can have some connection with English literature from time to time.
2009-02-09 15:03:50
When I said ”them” I meant the the two versions of the film:

1. Al Pacino’s new film
2. the BBC version

It is very much easier to get the first, but hard to get the second.

Isn’t it wonderful to have some connection with English Literature? I am so lucky to have the chance of doing so, cuz it is my job. However, it is also a little boring when I always have to teach the masterpieces instead of the fun ones.

I just finished Julias Cesar this afternoon, watching the film while reading the book at the same time. Classical movies may not be too interesting, but the faithfulness to the text is one kind of respect to our intelligence.

I’ve got to go home now.
2009-02-09 17:23:08
I’m watching Sleepless in Seattle.
Maybe I’ll watch Girl with a pearl earring.
I’m home alone.
Some popcorn will be more wonderful.
2009-02-09 17:30:17
Liz to JNT
Tell your hubby that everyone is unique. No need to make any comparison!
2009-02-09 18:34:12
He just wants me to have more time to read, do some erercise to get healthier, and have tea or coffee with him.
2009-02-09 18:59:39
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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