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2007-10-26 20:40:29| 人氣160| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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我真是太健忘了!其實【熹陽紋嫿使】給 Yvette 最大的禮物並不只上一次所說的「人要學會不卑不亢,然後再亢一點點。」

有個學生送了我一本書:A Life of One’s Own: A Guide to Better Living
Through the Work and Wisdom of Virginia Woolf, 讀了才發現到處都有【熹陽紋嫿使】早年說過的話。那麼,台長印象最深刻的到底還有哪一句呢?



台長: Yvette
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Nita to Y
2007-11-01 09:55:47
Right! Now I learn how to LET GO.
If I had been TOO RELAXED when I was young, I wouldn`t know why it is important to relax. Both Nita and Yvette are workaholics, and surely they know this observation very well. :) I would not have wanted to live an &quoteasier&quot life, if I could be granted with a wish to live over again. I can be what I am today because of all the episodes in my past, right?
2007-11-03 17:01:00
Nita to Y
I always have the same thought as you. Even if I had the chance to repeat experiencing all the encounters, I would make the same decision as before. It`s because of the characters or destiny.
2007-11-04 18:11:16
Sid would like to blame human beings` &quotcharacter flaws,&quot ha ha!!

So, why should we regret about the past. Just keep looking forward to tomorrow and enjoying today. We already have too many things to do today!!
2007-11-04 18:32:01
是 (若未登入"個人新聞台帳號"則看不到回覆唷!)
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