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2011-09-06 09:25:41| 人氣993| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

【百姓话坛】被党剥夺的青春 上

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Greetings audience, the song just played is ’Only mother is good in the world’ which is familiar to everyone and sang by people for decades. There are also movies and TV plays showing the happy or sad story in the world. Our guest today is petitioner Xiong Xiaoping from Shanghai, she is going to tell us about her life after her mother died..


My mother died when I was only one year old. My stepmother treated me badly and often abused me; I didn’t have enough food and clothes.When she beat me and broke my head, she didn’t allow me to tell my dad, but lied to my dad that I fell to the ground by myself.She was very cruel to me.


When I was 13, I went to look for my half sister in Nanchang, she was born by my dad’s ex-wife, at the time she was studying in Nanchang Medical school.


I was too young and didn’t know her address; I had to wander around to beg for food. I ate the dishes left by the customers in the restaurant.I wasarrested by the Nanchang Police Bureau, Shengli Branch,they said that I was a thief, and was detained for more than 2 months.


In the police office, they asked me: You stole things, did you? I said I had never stolen anything.They said: “someone’s wallet was stolen, they said you stole it.”I told them I didn’t know how to steal, and also told them about my story.


I said that I fled from home after I was beaten by my step mother. He said: you stole other’s things. Later he beat me, locked me in the jail with my hands cuffed. And questioned me 2 or 3 times later, I said I didn’t steal.He said: you should admit if you did steal, then we will send you back home and you can go to school.


Later I was forced to admit that I did the stealing. He said a bag was stolen, did you steal it? I said: yes, it’s me. You stole things in another place, didn’t you, I said: Yes, I did. There was no other question, but to force me to admit.I was jailed for 2 months.


After that, I was sent to the Jianxi Juvenile correction centre. Because I was young and small, I had been beaten by other offenders there, and my clothes were taken away.In there, I studied in the morning and did forced labour work in the afternoon, such as weeding. This way, I stayed there for about 2 months.


I, such a small guy was locked in a prison for more than two months. When I was released, I was very pale and could barely walk. I almost fainted when I saw sunlight for the first time. I was less than 150 centre metres’ tall and was very weak and thin.


13-years-old Xiong Xiaoping begged from Jiujiang to Nanchang. On 14th of March, 1963, she was unexpectedly caught by Nanchang police as a thief when she was begging. Without any evidence presented, these so-called ’people’s police’ used torture and inducement to force confession of guilt from this young child. They charged her for three years of labour detention without notifying her parents. Just escaped from a hell, Xiong Xiaoping fell into another one. During those three years, she was forced to become a child labor.


I was forced to be a child labour in a prison ofNanchang, the First Chemical Fibre Plant. We worked on a three- shifts system. Each shift eight hours, early morning shift, day shift and late night shift, and I worked there for three years.


I was the youngest, there were about 20-30 juvenile offenders under 18 years old working together with adults.We had to achieve the same target output as set for the adults; otherwise, they would deduct our salary.


Without parents in my childhood and being short and small, I couldn’t stand living inside there.I had one day off every week, worked on 3-shifts. Icouldn’t stand the late night shifts. I was still a child, I wanted to sleep. They dragged me up, if I didn’t, they would deduct my salary. The officer named Zhou often beat me.


Once the outcome was not achieved or the quality not satisfied, our salary would be deducted. There were forced labour criminals, adult re-education offenders who were 18 years or older, we were the youngest.


In the 3years of labour re-education, I had no freedom, and I was locked in the prison after work, and my salary after deduction could only buy me half month’s food. Occasionally having empty stomach, I still had to work.In winter, I didn’t have warm clothes, only two pants. Sometimes they threw a cotton wadded jacket for the criminals to me. Because I was too young to know how to look after myself, I stayed inside for 3 years, all together 6 years, after three years labour re-education, I worked as a textile worker with a monthly salary of 17 or 18 Yuan for another 3 years..


I worked hard and got my job done quickly. I just wanted to work hard, otherwise I would be punished.

主持人:一个13岁的孩子,本应享有的一切全部被剥夺了,还要承受和成年人一样的体力劳动, 而且劳教期满都不能享受正常人的自由生活,随着一个女孩子的成长发育,那么接下来等待熊小平的又是什么呢?

A 13- years- old girl had been eliminated all her rights , besides she had to endure the same labour work done by an adult. Even after the expiry of labour re-education, she still couldn’t enjoy the freedom of an ordinary person. While she was growing up, what’s waiting for her next?


At that time, it was very difficult for a previously-convicted person to find a job. And it was during the Culture Revolution, I had to get approval for even going out onto the street for just half hour. And if a previously-convicted person married to someone who had no conviction record, the previously-convicted person would be forced to have his/her hair cut, integrated in public and sent back to labour camp. Previously-convicted person had to find a partner who was also a previously-convicted.


My husband is from Shanghai and also a former convict. But his case was overturned later and he was cleared of any wrongdoing. He is now working at Jiangnan Shipyard. We got married on 1st January 1968. My supervisor introduced my husband to me. My supervisor’s husband and my husband were co-workers at that time. My supervisor thought I was a good person and was sympathetic about me..

她就给我介绍讲他是上海人,家里只有一个儿子,后来我就肯了,以后我就住医院,他就到医院里面去看我,看我以后,我看他人老实,我就跟他结婚了,1月1号结婚,就是68年1月1号结婚。住房是在我老公单位里面, 汽车厂 他们自己马马虎虎搭了一间房子, 搭了几间房子,那时候结婚 留几套结婚 都是跟就业职工结婚的 都是岁数小的 我当时只有17,8岁, 在那里面实在吃不消,你不结婚就吃不消 吃不消就给你送到第二次教养 你要社会上找 ,我那时候人长的满好的,就是讲 你跟社会上的人找 要给你送教养,它那里的干部很不好,有的时候动脚动手的,所以我们当时的人都很怕, 我岁数小,就是等于在调戏,手上摸摸,脸上摸摸 ,胸上摸摸, 就是这样的给他们。自己受了侮辱还不敢讲呢,讲了以后要关监狱还要剪头发。

She told me that my husband was from Shanghai and was the only son of his parents. I was in hospital at the time, he came to visit me. He looked a nice person and we got married later. We lived in an apartment which was allocated to my husband by his factory. At that time, previously-convicted people got married at very young age to avoid being sent back to labour camp again. I was only 17 when I was in labour camp. The carders often sexually harassed young girls including me by touching our hands, faces and breasts. We dared not to tell the harassment, otherwise we could be locked in prison and have our hair cut off.


My husband is a very law-abiding person. He said he was unjustly sent to labour camp in a farm in Jiangxi Province for three years. He had schistosomiasis on the farm. I felt for him because we had similar experiences and that is why I decided to marry him.


My husband used to be the Branch secretary of the Communist Youth League in Jiangnan Shipyard. He said the authority forced him to admit that he had written such words about Liu Shaoqi taking over from Chairman Mao as Chinese President. It was the same situation as they induced me to admit I was a thief, the authority would let you go home once you admit.When he admitted, he was sent to labour camp.


During that ridiculous time, Xiong Xiaoping had experienced so much humiliation. She had to marry a so called working crimina who was over 10 years older than her, who also had a child.But for better or worse, she finally had a home. However good things never last, the persecution on her was still coming.

68年有一个档,就是文革期间拿了一个档, 就是江西省革命委员会1号档 规定, 把我们的工资全部减掉, 减掉只好拿生活费, 全部减掉以后就拿生活费, 还有一个像我们这类人统统成为就业犯,出去身上就要带一块牌子, 上班也带牌子, 就是带一个牌子, 现在就是工作人员的工号一样的 ,还有 分批分期的清理 强制出厂, 就是把你全部送到农村里面去 。

In 1968, the No.1 document from the Revolutionary Committee of Jiangxin Province required the cut of all the workers’ salary to only fees for living expenses. And people like me became the employed criminals, who had to carry a label all the time. And we were cleared out of the factory by groups and in stages and were sent to country side eventually.

后来我就68年 12月份 就把我强制送到我丈夫的家里面农村里面去了,强制农村里面劳动, 我呆到农村里面更可怜,我也是个外乡人 到这个农村里面 给他们欺负, 讲我是四类分子, 对小孩也不好,轻视 给人家骂,讲我们是四类分子 犯过错误的,工分比人家少,做事比人家做得多。开斗争会的时候你就要进去。就要去陪斗。后来我老公在那里被逼得没有办法, 后来就找上海市政府 就讲我这个案子是错案, 不是我做的事情 ,我冤枉了这么多年, 后来上海给他复查以后给他平反了,刚刚文化大革命结束,就回江南造船厂了。丈夫对我还可以, 刚刚去农村他母亲对我非常不好,我在农村里面呆了15年。

In December 1968, we were forcibly sent to do labour work in the village where my husband’s parents were living in. I was discriminated as I was not local. I was called “the fourth type” because I had conviction in the past. We worked more, but were paid less. We had to attend the “Criticize and Denounce” meeting every time to accompany the other people being publicly humiliated. My husband had enough later and appealed to Shanghai government. His case was overturned and he was able to return to work at Jiangnan Shipyard. My husband treated me well but his mother treated me very bad when I firstly went to stay with her in the village. I spent 15 years in the village.


15 years country life is actually 15 years of labour re-education in another way.At the end of 1970s, the Great Cultural Revolution finished, injustice on Xiong Xiaoping’s husband was finally overturned and he regained his job. Xiong Xiaoping seemed to have a hope.

我是83年到了北京,我就找了民革中央,我就自己先到公安部 ,后来人家跟我讲 让我去找民革中央,后来我就去找了民革中央, 找了王昆仑, 那时候民革中央主席是王昆仑 ,后来他就叫他那个秘书曹克勤找我出来谈, 我就把情况讲了以后她非常同情我,

I went to Beijing in 1983, at first I visited the ministry of public security, they told me to visit Revolutionary Committee Central committee, So I went there and found its chairman Wang Kunlun. He asked his secretary Cao keqin to talk with me. She sympathized with me after hearing my story.

我不知道他们讲那个民革中央是受命于国民党的,他们非常同情我,我就把我的遭遇讲了以后,他就讲你回江西去,我给你开介绍信去,还有我们去函 叫江西给你复查,后来复查了以后,不到两三个月就通知我,就讲把我撤销了,撤销了什么待遇都没有给我 ,我就在农村里,我就到现在没有劳保,没有什么。

Actually I didn’t know the Revolutionary Committee Central committee was under the orders of the Kuomintang. They really sympathized with me and said they would write a letter to Jianxi province to ask for a reinvestigation on my case. About 2 months later, the charge on me was removed, but I was not given any remuneration.I stayed in the village and haven’t been given any welfare even the labour insurance.

撤销了以后还有更恶劣的时候, 我到南昌去了以后, 他就跟我讲 要么你就跟你老公离婚, 你回江西 ,我们就给你解决,你不回江西,上海我们没有办法给你解决你的工作问题什么问题 ,他就这样讲,所以 说他讲的这个话本身我就在监狱里面蹲了这么多年,农村里蹲了15年, 我这样一想, 自己从小就是没有母亲, 遭到这样的遭遇, 我再跟我老公一离婚, 我两个孩子不也要走向像我这样的道路,所以我就不肯,就一直没有去。

Things got even worse after I went to NanChang. The authority asked me to divorce my husband and go back to JiangXi, otherwise he couldn’t solve my problem in Shanghai. I had stayed in prison for so many years and lived in the village for 15 years. I grew up without mother, if I divorce with my husband, my two kids would suffer the same thing as I did. So I refused.


In order to maintain a complete family and to avoid her children becoming like her before, Xiong Xiaoping refused the unreasonable request from Jiangxi province. Her case reached a deadlock.


Now my two kids have grown up and married, but I haven’t any income to live on. My health condition is poor and I don’t have labour insurance. I suffered all my life but haven’t got any welfare. I worked as child labour for the communist party, and lived in the village for 15 years, but until now, I haven’t been given any welfare.

当时江西人也恶劣的很, 他那个平反纸一直到现在还没有给过我, 去年的时候 我没有劳保 我就去问问看, 就是我们的上海市分局里面,他讲 你去查查里面你老早送去教养,你那个教养,口说无凭 你那个证据我们没有, 后来我们派出所里面 才交给我 ,去年 他去年11月份11月26号 把这个交到我的手里面, 平反证书才交到我手里面, 我到江西去了几次他们都不给我, 讲没有了没有了。 去年11月份拿了这个纸以后 我就开始上访了

The Jiangxi government was very bad that until today they haven’t given me the Rehabiliation notice. Last year, I went to Shanghai public security sub-bureau to see whether I could get labour insurance.because I worked as a child labour in prison for 6 years and stayed in country for 15 years. Actually, those who were assigned to the country all got some welfare from government. they told me to get evidences for my re-education through labour. On 26th November 2010, I received the Rehabiliation notice from the police station. Before that ,I had been to Jiangxi several times and theydidn’tgive to me. I started my petition immediately after I received the notice.

我现在走到去江西好多次 ,江西还威胁我江西公安厅里面 怎么讲呢 ,一个女的同志她讲你在外面要饭 是扰乱社会治安, 是可以送教养的, 她就在讲, 我讲老早也是共产党领导,现在也是共产党领导, 我讲老早怎么违反社会治安,现在人家外面要饭的就不违反社会治安, 我就这样讲她,共产党有孤儿院 ,你怎么不把我送到孤儿院去, 我要饭送我去教养,你毁了我一生, 毁了我一辈子,我就在跟他们讲,他们就威胁我,叫我回去回去 。她讲没有赔偿 跟我这样讲。

I have been to Jiangxi public security bureau many times. A female carder said that I was disturbing the social order when I begged for food, and it was justified to send me to re-education through labour. I said: “ before and now, it is the same Communist party who is in power, why did I offend the social order then, but now the people are not offend the social order when they are begging.Why didn’t you send me to orphanage but to the labour camp? You ruined my whole life. They threatened me and asked me to go back. She said no compensation for me.


The children have grown up; Xiong Xiaoping has nothing to worry about now. But the grievance in her heart through decades couldn’t be released. She can’t keep silent; she’s determined to ask for herself justice for herself.


The authorities agreed that my case is a historical issue. And the notice to send me to labour re-education was not lawful and was not signed by me and any person involved. When I showed the notice to the Jiangxi Province and they told me authorities, they said that nothing was in conform with the regulation in the past.


I was a student when I was detained, they didn’t inform my parents. They didn’t inform our local police station. My family had thought that I was dead.


The police from Jiujiang police station had asked me:why did they send you to the labour re-education centre. I said: they sent me to labour re-education while I was begging for food. He said: We thought that you had died; your step mother had been denounced because of your case in the Cultural Revolution. Even my local police station and the street committee didn’t know I was sent to labour re-education.

The man who arrested me was surnamed Xin, he wanted to get promotion by arresting thieves.In 1983 when they redressed my case, I wanted to accuse him. I told them I was framed and caught by this man and he beat me. But the policeman just told me let bygones be bygones. One section chief in Dongwu substation said Mr Xin had died. Actually at that time, many beggars like me were caught as thieves because the police had to achieve their target number of labour re-education. Quite a few people have the same experiences as I have.


It is well known that during the ’counter Right” movement, every organization was given a quota for Rightists, but we didn’t expect there were quotas for labour re-education. We don’t know how many innocent people became victims ofthis ridiculous quota.


My family treated me badly, so did the government. The false Labour re-education had ruined my youth and my whole life. Now I am not educated and have suffered a lot, but the government doesn’t want to resolve my case. I am old and in poor health, I just want to appeal through the overseas media for my justice.. I was mistreated by my stepmother and put in jail by the regime. I just want to appeal through foreign medias.


The pitiful life of Xiong Xiaoping clearly exposed the CCP’sevil nature of treating human’s life as it were notworth a straw. Today,Xiong Xiaoping’s suffering has not been reduced by time. After numerous protests and petition without result, she has no way out but to ask the help from media, hopes the righteous people could help her, and find justice in an early date. Well, dear audience, this is the end of today’s program, thank you for watching. See you next time.



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