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2004-05-12 00:12:00| 人氣163| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Love shouldn’t be a drug

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I said love shouldn’t be a drug
If it’s a drug
It should make us happy
(like a prozzak)
and not leave us feel so empty

You told me you got stoned again
Waking up not knowing
where you’ve been again
Yet you crave for it once again

Your nicotine patch fell again
Estasy took you on a ride again
And you inhale the smoke again

Just another addictive behavior
Just another suicidal character
in your life

You told me you got hook again
Climbing up
to find yourself in a hole again
So you give up before you try again

Love shouldn’t be a drug


台長: 堯羽
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