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2004-05-04 00:40:00| 人氣135| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Moody (so am I)

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Sometimes is lust
That pulls me down
Sometimes is hate
That breaks me apart
Sometimes is fear
That draws me away
The night has come
I feel sad

Sometimes is love
That makes me complete
Sometime is hope
That carries me through
Sometimes is faith
That leads me home
When the light is gone
Who is watching my back

And the sun goes down
Another day is gone
And the sun comes up
The morning is dawn
When the feeling is gone
So am I

Sometimes is blood
That runs through my vein
Sometimes is tear
That drips on my face
Sometimes is rain
That falls on my hair
When the light goes up
Who is walking with me

And the sun goes down
Another day is gone
And the sun comes up
The morning is dawn
When the feeling is gone
So am I


台長: 堯羽
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札) | 個人分類: 自言自語 |

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