Hai Long Offshore Wind Executes Memorandum of Understanding
with MHI Vestas for turbine procurement
in Taiwan
Taipei, Nov. 27, 2018 -- Hai Long Offshore Wind (“Hai Long”), a joint-venture between Northland Power Inc. (”Northland”) and Yushan Energy Co. Ltd (“Yushan”), has executed a Memorandum of Understanding (“MOU”) with MHI Vestas Offshore Wind (“MHI Vestas”) for the procurement of 300 MW of offshore wind turbines to be installed in Taiwan by 2024, with a right of first refusal to MHI Vestas for the procurement of 744 MW of offshore wind turbines to be installed in Taiwan by 2025. The MOU sets the foundation for pursuing a preferred supplier agreement between Hai Long and MHI Vestas, and establishes that Hai Long will negotiate with MHI Vestas on an exclusive basis for the term of the MOU.
【臺北訊】由Northland Power Inc.與玉山能源股份有限公司(Yushan Energy Co. Ltd)合資成立的「海龍離岸風力發電計畫」今(11/27)宣布與臺灣菱重維特斯(MHI Vestas Offshore Wind,簡稱MHI Vestas )完成風機供應備忘錄(MOU)簽署。預計2024年完工之300MW風場建設計畫將向MHI Vestas 採購離岸風力發電機組;除此之外,針對2025年完工之744MW的風場建設計畫,海龍也將給予MHI Vestas優先議約權。此項MOU象徵海龍計畫與 MHI Vestas之間的緊密合作,替兩者之間的首選供應商協議奠定基礎,未來雙方也將在此一基礎上,持續進行獨家條款協商。
The MOU is subject to certain conditions, such as Hai Long 2A (300 MW) signing a PPA in either 2018 or 2019, and the 2019 FiT price remaining stable relative to the 2018 FiT price.
In April 2018, Hai Long 2A was awarded 300 MW of capacity through the allocation process organized by the Taiwan Bureau of Energy (“BOE”), providing Hai Long 2A with the opportunity to sign a power purchase agreement (“PPA”) at a Feed in Tariff (“FIT”) price set by the BOE.
In June 2018, Hai Long 2B was awarded the opportunity to sign a PPA for 232 MW, and Hai Long 3 was awarded the opportunity to sign a PPA for 512 MW through the BOE’s competitive auction process. Hai Long 2B and Hai Long 3 submitted their auction bids on the basis of the 2018 FiT price and a stable 2019 FiT price.
Under the terms of the MOU, 300 MW of offshore wind turbines for Hai Long 2A will be delivered by MHI Vestas from Taiwan according to the local content requirements introduced by the Taiwan Industrial Development Bureau (“IDB”), and the parties will explore the potential to procure offshore wind turbines for the remaining 744 MW from Taiwan as well, as far as is reasonably possible. Hai Long’s ability to procure equipment from Taiwan for the 744 MW will be dependent on the ability of Taiwan’s supply chain to provide competitive pricing.
根據MOU內容,海龍2A風場的300MW離岸風機將向MHI Vestas採購,並符合經濟部工業局所提出之在地化要求。同時,雙方也會針對海龍計畫剩餘的744MW之風機需求進行由臺灣供貨的採購評估,但前提是臺灣供應鏈必須具備價格競爭力。
“This MOU with MHI Vestas represents an important next step in the development of the Hai Long projects, and for Taiwan’s offshore wind market.” said Mike Crawley, Chief Executive Officer, Northland Power. “MHI Vestas is demonstrating their commitment to investing in Taiwan’s local supply chain, and we look forward to helping them strengthen these investments. Northland and MHI Vestas have a proven track record from our collaboration in Europe. We are pleased to expand this relationship into Taiwan, and to support the achievement of Taiwan’s renewable energy objectives through world class expertise and technology. With this cooperation we will be able to create thousands of local jobs throughout the Changhua and Taichung areas, as well as other places in Taiwan.”
「與MHI Vesta的這份風機供應備忘錄是海龍計畫及臺灣離岸風電發展重要的一步」 Northland Power總裁兼執行長Mike Crawley表示:「這展現了MHI Vestsa投資臺灣本土供應鏈的決心。我們也期待與他們在臺攜手合作。在歐洲建設風場時,雙方的合作經驗十分愉快,很高興此次能持續合作,導入世界一流的專業知識和技術,協助臺灣實現發展綠色能源的目標。這次合作預計將在彰化、臺中等地創造數千個在地就業機會。」
Tsung-Hua Chen, Chief Executive Officer, Yushan Energy Co. Ltd., explained “MHI Vestas are taking a long-term view of Taiwan’s supply chain. They have shown a commitment to help Taiwan become Asia’s leader for offshore wind, both domestically and through exports across the region, including into Vietnam, where Yushan has an exclusivity agreement with MHI Vestas. We are excited to work with MHI Vestas in Taiwan, and we are happy to continue to work with them in Asia.”
“This MOU demonstrates our commitment towards a successful offshore wind build out in Taiwan and provides greater visibility for our supply chain partners.” said Philippe Kavafyan, CEO MHI Vestas Offshore Wind, “We look forward to a continued collaboration with our trusted partners Northland Power and Yushan Energy to deliver sustainable, green energy to more regions globally.”
玉山能源董事長兼執行長陳聰華表示:「MHI Vestas 對於臺灣的供應鏈有很深的期待,無論是國內離岸風電技術發展,或將技術出口至其他地區,他們都希望幫助臺灣成為亞洲離岸風電領頭羊。目前玉山能源與MHI Vestas在越南也已簽訂獨家合作協議。很高興在臺灣與MHI Vestas合作,也希望能在亞洲其他地區持續攜手發展。」
「本次風機供應備忘錄簽署,展現我們在臺灣成功打造離岸風場的承諾,並替我們的供應鏈合作夥伴提供更高的能見度。」MHI Vestas Offshore Wind執行長Philippe Kavafyan表示,「期待與Northland Power和玉山能源,兩個我們值得信賴的夥伴持續合作,為全球更多地區提供永續發展之綠色能源。」
Northland Power is an independent power producer founded in 1987, and publicly traded since 1997. Northland develops, builds, owns and operates sustainable infrastructure assets that produce ‘clean’ (natural gas) and ‘green’ (wind, solar, and hydro) energy, providing stable long-term value to shareholders, stakeholders, and host communities. Northland owns or has an economic interest in 2,429 MW (net 2,014 MW) of operating power capacity and is currently constructing the 269 MW Deutsche Bucht offshore wind project located in the German North Sea.
Northland Power是一家獨立發電商。成立於1987年,並於1997年公開上市。Northland開發、建造、持有和營運具永續發展特質的建設。為社會大眾提供「乾淨」(天然氣)和「綠色」(風力、太陽能和水力)能源是Northland的經營目標。Northland共擁有2,429MW(淨2,014MW)的發電容量,目前也正在德國北海建造269MW的Deutsche Bucht離岸風場。
Yushan Energy Co., Ltd. (YECL) is co-developer of the Hai Long Offshore Wind Farm project, a joint venture with Canada’s Northland Power Inc. focused on Taiwan offshore wind energy development based in Taipei City, Taiwan. YECL is a 50:50 Joint Venture between Enterprize Energy of Singapore and Mitsui & Co., Ltd. of Japan. Enterprize Energy is a privately owned, Anglo-Asian low-to-no-carbon energy company active in Taiwan, Vietnam and the United Kingdom, specializing in the early identification and development of industry leading energy projects.
玉山能源股份有限公司(YECL)是Northland Power Inc.在海龍離岸風電計畫中的聯合開發商,專司臺灣離岸風電開發。YECL由新加坡Enterprize Energy與日本三井物產株式會社各半合資持有。 Enterprize Energy是一家獨立的英亞低碳能源公司,擅長掌握能源開發趨勢,參與之計畫橫跨臺灣、越南和英國等地同時。
MHI Vestas Offshore Wind is a joint venture between Vestas Wind Systems A/S 50% and Mitsubishi Heavy Industries (MHI) 50%. The company’s focus is to design, manufacture, install and service wind turbines for the offshore wind industry. The company aims to create sustainable value through offshore wind power by driving capital and operating savings and increasing the power output of wind turbines. An innovative force in offshore wind since its inception in 2014, the company is guided by its founding principles of collaboration, trust, technology and commitment. For more information, see www.mhivestasoffshore.com or follow @MHIVestas on Twitter.
MHI Vestas Offshore Wind是維斯塔斯風力系統A / S 和三菱重工(MHI)各半合資持有的公司,其著重於離岸風電機組設計、製造、安裝和維修。該公司旨在透過推動資本和運營成本降低以及增加風力發電機組輸出功率,來增進離岸風電的永續價值。做為離岸風電的創新力量,自2014年成立以來,該公司以合作、互信、技術和承諾的基本原則為指導。 更多有關MHI Vestas Offshore Wind的資訊,請見官網www.mhivestasoffshore.com或在Twitter上關注@MHIVestas。


玉山能源董事長兼執行長陳聰華表示很高興在臺灣與MHI Vestas合作,也期待將在亞洲其他地區持續攜手發展

Northland Power總裁兼執行長Mike Crawley表示與MHI Vesta簽訂供應備忘錄是海龍計畫及臺灣離岸風電發展重要的一步。

MHI Vestas Offshore Wind Senior Project Director, Rasmus Ravn表示期待與Northland Power和玉山能源為全球更多地區提供永續發展之綠色能源。

海龍離岸風電計畫攜手臺灣菱重維特斯 簽署風機供應備忘錄。(玉山能源董事長兼執行長 陳聰華、Northland Power總裁兼執行長Mike Crawley、MHI Vestas Offshore Wind Senior Project Director, Rasmus Ravn(由左至右))
