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SNAKE ~~~~**

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Surrounded in clay,
Nothing to say.
A dog's age,
Keep in the same place,
Ease she sleeps away the days.

Sun shining in the sky,
Next preys for her to find.
Appear near the grass,
Keep turning her head around,
Ever be there a favourite dish on the ground.

Show off her body,
Nacarat beauty.
Await patiently,
Kiss him shyly,
Enjoy the new love story!
Vocabulary meaning:
surround = 包圍
clay = 泥土
A dog's age = 很久
Ease = 舒服/安逸
prey = 被捕食的動物
Nacarat = 鮮艷的橘紅色

台長: 檸檬糖
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全站分類: 圖文創作(詩詞、散文、小說、懷舊、插畫)

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