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2005-08-27 18:53:14| 人氣144| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Message from UK

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Dear Baby,
I am in Brighton Library now and can use the internet for one hour each day. I will book the reservation of internet for next one week. What time is the most possible time that you can use the internet? I should be available from 1pm-3pm (UK TIME) each day and how about you? I write the diary everyday but do not bring to library today. Maybe send the email to you on Tuesday. Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow is the holiday and we will go to London. How nice it is. I am looking forward to escaping the homestay. Love and miss you.

Your Golden Fish.

台長: 凱和米魯
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全站分類: 彩虹同志(同志心情、資訊)

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