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2006-12-10 21:32:49| 人氣76| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

A Battle of Wits (墨攻)

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A Battle of Wits (墨攻) was a Hong Kong film released in November 2006. It stars Andy Lau, Fan Bingbing, Nicky Wu, and newcomer Choi Si Won. Its director is Zhang Zhiliang.

The film tells a story in the Warring States Period of China. The state of Zhao invaded the state of Liang. A mohist came to Liang and help them to protect the city.
It’s a nice movie about universal love of Mohist. Sometimes you help someone, but smoetimes you won’t get what you should deserved. This movie not only talk about a war, but also tell us even though sometimes you can’t achieve your ideal, you still should insist what you want to do.

http://www.abattleofwits.com.hk/ 墨攻官方網站

台長: 達人は大観す


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