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2006-12-08 21:56:20| 人氣118| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Anything But Ordinary*絕不平凡

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Recently, I heard a song ”Anything But Ordinary”by Avril,I love this song very much.Not only this song has special attraction for me, but this song’s lyric also attracted me.I love one sentence lyric very much that is I’d rather be anything but ordinary please.”I’d rather be anything but ordinary please” in Chinese,means 我什麼都願意,就是不甘平凡 that’s really cool, isn’t it? Avril is a cool girl and also very charming,even though I don’t know her very well,but she really sings this song very well. And I also rather be anything but ordinary please.

台長: 達人は大観す


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