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2009-07-30 13:24:21| 人氣251| 回應1 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

音樂-In The Hands Of God

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In The Hands Of God      by Newsboys    收錄同名專輯" In the Hands of God "

We have raised our hopes and our cities high
We have followed fragile dreams
But only One could take the measure of our goals
And we've stumbled over the trials of life
And we've wrestled the unseen
But only One can calm the storm inside our souls

In the hands of God
We will fall
Rest for the restless and the weary
Hope for the sinner
In the hands of God
We stand tall
Hands that are mighty to deliver
Giving us freedom

When our strength gave way to the weight of guilt
Till we strained for every breath
Only One could lift our shame and make us well
And when all is finished, and we face
The fearsome power of death
Only One has overcome the gates of hell

In the hands of God
We will fall
Rest for the restless and the weary
Hope for the sinner
In the hands of God
We stand tall
Hands that are mighty to deliver
Giving us freedom

You're amazing
You're amazing, You are
You're amazing
You're amazing, You are
And we praise you, Lord
For what Your hands have done
You're amazing
You're amazing, You are

In the hands of God
We will fall
Rest for the restless and the weary
Hope for the sinner
In the hands of God
We stand tall
Hands that are mighty to deliver
Giving us freedom

You're amazing
You're amazing, You are
You're amazing
You're amazing, You are
And we praise you, Lord
For what Your hands have done
You're amazing
You're amazing, You are

台長: ξ阿神
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