Lately, I have been upset by my midterm grades. It was such a huge attack to me. I guess I am still in the high school stage of getting As. Then one day as I was talking to one of my floor mates next door, we got into a heated discussion about grades and school. She criticised me for caring my grades too much and pointed out to me the point of college.
"The point of college is learning. As long as you are learning grade does not matter."
"But how do you measure how much you've gotten from school if there isn't a grade given? Grade reflects directly how much you've learned. A bad grade means you are not learning much. Grade and learning are inter-related." I rebutted.
"Well, if you want to see it like that". She said at the end.
Although she didn't rebut and it seemed like I've won, but she has gotten me into thinking. What is the point of college? I asked a couple of friends, they said...
~to raise my self-esteem
~to find a man, a cute and smart Asian guy
~to find my identity
~to be able to find a decent job in the future