Today is one of those rare days that I don't have to work! I have been expecting today because work has been very tiring lately and that because of the fact that my boss is away I could not take any day off.
Gladys was studying over at my place last night (yea, she is such a nerd that she studies on a Friday night), however, as expected, she only got to study for a couple of hours as later I got her into a deep conversation. And at the end, we came up with a plan for tomorrow ( which is today). We decided to wake up early in the morning and get some excerise done in RSF, then do some research in the library for our psychology paper, and then head off to S.F. at around noon. However, as it turned out, our plan failed. Out of the 3 things that we planned, we only got one thing done. Why? because we both overslept. When we woke up, it was already 10:30; so we just head straight to S.F.
At S.F......
we started our series of crazy shopping. We end up buying more than we expected and went to many stores that we normally wouldn't enter. And that means, we spent a lot more than we anticipated. How in the world that we decided to shop together? Whenever we shop together, we'd influence each other and make each other buy more. ai...not a good shopping partner......
Neverthelss, despite this quick outflow of money, today shopping with her at S.F was fun. We spent over an hour in the cosmetic section of Macy's and got a make over (never done that before). But it was funny the way how people work on your face and trying so hard to make you buy their products.
After that, we went to grab a late lunch at this super expensive Italian resturant, where we only ordered salad. I guess this was probably the only unsatifsfactory of our day. The plate salad, which was both expensive and small, TASTED VERY BAD. And the chicken was unchewable. Looking at the plate of salad, we started to miss this other Italian resturant in Berkeley, which it has much better food and cheaper price.