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2006-10-05 16:05:13| 人氣49| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

it bugs me alot!

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man, i just heard this one song while i was in my Art class today... and i remember that song!! but just forgot the title of it.. *sigh*..... well actaully i don’t really know the name but.. i know myself have heard it before!!! man! you know... it feel really really sux when u trying to remind urself for something, but got no clue.... yea, just getting yourself a headache...... man, i really hope there’s a kind of machine that can read peoples’ mind... so miss sara can know what the hell i was talking about.... wait.. but i didnt even know how it goes though....... yea.. sux... it’s been a boring day.
oh yea... by the way.. "Happy Mid-autumn".. yea, u know wat i mean.

台長: 姓豬的女人【井】
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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