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2009-06-01 23:46:30| 人氣113| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Tim McGraw - Please Remember Me

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When all our tears have reached the sea
Part of you will live in me
Way down deep inside my heart
The days keep coming without fail
A new wind is gonna find your sail
That's where your journey starts

You'll find better love
Strong as it ever was
Deep as the river runs
Warm as the morning sun
Please remember me

Just like the waves down by the shore
We're gonna keep on coming back for more
'cause we don't ever wanna stop
Out in this brave new world you seek
Oh the valleys and the peaks
And i can see you on the top

You'll find better love
Strong as it ever was
Deep as the river runs
Warm as the morning sun
Please remember me

Remember me when you're out walkin'
When the snow falls high outside your door
Late at night when you're not sleepin'
And moonlight falls across your floor
When i can't hurt you anymore

You'll find better love
Strong as it ever was
Deep as the river runs
Warm as the morning sun
Please remember me
Please remember me


台長: 史丹利的家
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