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2010-08-13 22:15:42

Don’t fear

Life is the continuous choice.Stop listen to outside voices, trying to find the answer from the heart.Excluding the extra things from brain, listen carefully to the voice of true mind.Live in the mome...

2010-08-12 07:53:41

Swap postcard 29

This postcard come from Portugal. Traveled 14 days.This picture is in Alfama. These postcards come from Cordoba of Spain. Traveled 9 days.This is Calleja de las Flores.中間上方是柯爾多瓦清真寺

2010-08-03 19:48:01

Swap postcard 28

These postcard come from Madrid. Traveled 6 days.Madrid is the capital and largest city of Spain左上角是都會大廈右上角是西貝萊斯廣場的西貝萊斯女神噴泉左下角是麗池公園阿方索十二世紀紀念碑【阿方索是西班...

2010-08-03 19:18:39

The 125 postcard

This postcard come from Russia. Traveled 22 days.This is the blessed cathedral.

2010-07-29 18:45:30

The 124 postcard

This postcard come from U.S.A. Traveled 7 days.This is Willamette university.

2010-07-28 19:03:16

Swap postcard 27

This postcard come from Portugal.It's a brithday postcard. Thanks Iolanda teacher.看到這張卡片,我笑了【有列入我的考慮~】哈

2010-07-28 18:56:37

The 123 postcard

This postcard come from Finland. Traveled 8 days.

2010-07-22 18:59:46

The 122 postcard

This postcard come from Holland. Traveled 13 days.

2010-07-22 18:46:25

The 121 postcard

This postcard come from U.S.A. Traveled 7 days.竇加 (1834~1917) Beach SceneDegas, (Hilaire-Germain-) Edgar (1834~1917) 法國畫家、圖像藝術家和雕刻家。父為富裕銀行家。1855年進入巴黎美術學校學畫。他花了...

2010-07-21 19:35:41

Swap postcard 26

These postcard come from Portuhal. This is Berlengas.Berlengas群島是一個非常小海島在離葡萄牙海岸的附近靠近市Peniche,約10到15 km。 在更大的海島(重創的Berlenga)有一個古老堡壘和燈塔。 它的當地名字是Lond...

2010-07-21 18:38:51

The 120 postcard

This postcard come from Germany. Traveled 11 days.

2010-07-19 20:09:24


七月十八日星期日 天氣:艷陽光照 心情:滿心期待的心情 巡迴醫療,顧名思義就是當地的居民因行動不便或其他因素不能看醫生醫生和護士們帶著小型的藥箱到山上訪視或做檢查及開處方這是我第一次參與巡迴醫療義診的活...

2010-07-19 19:29:52

The 119 postcard

This postcard come from Finland. Traveles 7 days.

2010-07-15 21:17:33

Swap postcard 25

This postcard come from Portugal. Traveled 10 days.Pena全國宮殿(葡萄牙語: Palácio Nacional da Pena)是歐洲浪漫主義啟發的最早的宮殿。 它位於Saoo Pedro ・ de Penaferrim,自治市Sintra,葡萄牙民用教區。 ...

2010-07-15 18:59:16

The 118 postcard

This postcard come fome Rhode island. Traveles 6 days.羅德島州,全名羅德島與普洛威頓斯莊園州(The State of Rhode Island and Providence Plantations)。由於名稱過長,一般簡稱為羅德島。在地理上它是美國最...

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