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2020-07-27 00:36:32| 人氣830| 回應3 | 上一篇 | 下一篇
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〈change the world〉狼人樂團



This is my declaration
To find an answer to my dream
Don’t need a revelation
I am the one who holds the creed
待ちわびた革命 全てを捧げる
Somewhere further
Somewhere far
I’ll find myself a key
‘Cause I don’t need no god for me to change the world
夢見た瞬間を 手繰り寄せて
Don’t need no reason to pursue my goal anymore
And I don’t need no devil to fulfill my soul
この手で今を 切り開いて
Don’t need no god for me to change the world anymore
This is my declaration
To live my life and to be free
Betray the expectations
Amaze the world and let them see
Somewhere further
Somewhere far
I’ll find myself a key
‘Cause I don’t need no god for me to change the world
夢見た景色 手にするまで
Don’t need no reason to pursue my goal anymore
And I don’t need no devil to fulfill my soul
道無き道を 切り開いて
Don’t need no god for me to change the world anymore
Where is the promise land
Where is the answer that I seek
Till the end I bleed and fight until the last decree
Now I raise my hand
Devote my life to find the key
This is the declaration and what I’m meant to be
‘Cause I don’t need no god for me to change the world
夢見た瞬間を 手繰り寄せて
Don’t need no reason to pursue my goal anymore
And I don’t need no devil to fulfill my soul
この手で今を 切り開いて
Don’t need no god for me to change the world anymore
Don’t need no god
Don’t need no devil
Don’t need no reason
Change the world



台長: Camille
人氣(830) | 回應(3)| 推薦 (0)| 收藏 (0)| 轉寄
全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV) | 個人分類: 聲無哀樂 |
此分類下一篇:〈rain on me〉渡邊直美parody
此分類上一篇:〈Anywhere is〉enya

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