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2004-04-21 03:11:46| 人氣1,915| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

《夠燈美樂蒂》Fire And Rain

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最近一直沉醉在過往年代的老歌,除了不小心找到很多耳熟能詳卻不知其來自何處的作品外,也有些新的發現,我們家每逢週末總會有些攤販般的「發財車」帶著擴音的喇叭,播送Spanga當年紅極一時的〈Call Me〉,有些歌真的怎麼都撐在那,我幾乎忘了Spanga的存在,還是一位好友幫助我把人和歌重組,我突然驚覺,音樂這回事只能說太神奇。就像我一輩子都沒買過的Patti Austin,當日前好友播送著Dick Lee翻唱她的經典〈Say You Love Me〉,或許也因為Dick Lee還加上〈Loving You〉,幾乎讓我當場將〈Say You Love Me〉和Patti Austin的嗓音奉為「發現新大陸」般的驚為天人,於是趕緊訂購了Patti的精選,就在上週,我赫然猛然在洛克看到Regine進軍台灣歌壇的首張英文碟《Listen Without Prejudice》竟也收錄了翻唱的〈Say You Love Me〉,我知道還有更多更多不同版本的翻唱...只是當Patti Austin、Dick Lee和Regine扯在一起,讓在短短兩星期得知這些關係的我大感不可思議。

同樣的案子發生在James Taylor身上,我從來沒有任何JT的作品,當然有幾個原因讓我注意到JT,Carly Simon、〈You've Got A Friend〉和艾立克阿伯等一票人翻唱他〈Don't Let Me Be Lonely Tonight〉,可是這都不足以構成「尋找詹姆斯」的動機,直到我在網路上買了Jonatha Brooks的新專輯《Back In The Circus》,聽到了她翻唱James的經典〈Fire And Rain〉。

像許多搖滾的歷史經典一樣,〈Fire And Rain〉自然有其歷史背景,我不太擅長像一些筆者可以深入剖析的說書,但無庸置疑,這是JT最重要的作品之一,1970年James推出第二張專輯《Sweet Baby James》高居流行專輯榜第三名,〈Fire And Rain〉獲得第三,成為他第一首進榜單曲,是James成功地奠定歌唱地位的關鍵作品,也讓他登上滾石雜誌封面,還形成70年代初起歌壇吹起的創作歌手風潮。All Music Guide給了《Sweet Baby James》五顆星滿分好評,也對〈Fire And Rain〉作了深入的詳細剖析,以下則歸類出網站「songfact」對歌曲的描述大蓋。
*這是阿詹1968年在三個時間點完成的歌曲。最早在倫敦,當時他到披頭四的唱片公司試唱,之後他在曼哈頓的醫院工作,最終於麻薩諸塞的The Austin Riggs Center完成,當時他正在那戒藥。
*第一段描述面對朋友死亡的反應,第二段是剛美國打拼面臨的挫折,第三段是在戒毒中心的心情。不過也有人認為,第一段可能說的是女友蘇珊在飛往看他演唱會的飛機上失事的心情,其實這是歌迷虛構的搖滾神話(Myth),因為歌詞中的flying machines並非是飛機失事,指的就是阿詹先前待的樂團,因為他個人嗑藥問題而解散。

「尋找詹姆斯」任務執行的同時,要感謝的是Jonatha Brooks,先不提及Jonatha的過去「故事」〈她的過去我來不及參與,連買的兩張CD都找不到〉,二月底發行的第四張錄音專輯《Back In The Circus》本身就是一場遊歷馬戲團的風情作品,或許在造型上她多少承襲了Natalie Merchant在1998年發表的《Ophelia》,最好的成績也只有得到告示牌潛力專輯榜第二十名,但Jonatha顯然沒有讓我失望,撇開Eric Bazilian、Ryan Freeland、Mitchell Froom這些名家不談,三首翻唱歌曲著實精采,原先我滿腦子只驚呼她選擇Alan Parsons的〈Eye In The Sky〉,那是我聽專輯的第一震撼,Jonatha說,她常因為彈奏這首歌心碎,拜託,我們聽妳唱也挺碎吧。翻唱Beach Boys的〈God Only Knows〉竟然可以和加拿大女伶Holly Cole最近推出的新碟《Shade》中翻唱的版本有天壤之別的風格,前者如火後者如水,應該要給兩位女伶一樣的掌聲!Beach Boys的原唱版本最近也在電影「愛是您愛是我」原聲帶出現;最終,經過聆聽數次後,〈Fire And Rain〉讓我對三首翻唱的感覺一夕翻盤,我捨棄〈Eye In The Sky〉,反而更喜歡〈Fire And Rain〉。此外,也推薦專輯中的〈Better After All〉、〈It Matters Now〉和迷幻冷酷帶電的〈Less Than Love Is Nothing〉。

就這樣,〈Fire And Rain〉讓我開始「尋找詹姆斯」,在尋找的過程中,也別忘記Wet Wet Wet主唱Marti Pellow去年底才剛翻唱,而包括大衛馬修樂團、John Denver、Indigo Girls、Cher、Nana Mouskouri、Isley Brothers、Anne Murray、Andy Williams等一票歌手早已經前仆後繼翻唱這首經典了!

Fire And Rain(written by James Taylor)
Just yesterday morning they let me know you were gone
Suzanne the plans they made put an end to you
I walked out this morning and I wrote down this song
I just can't remember who to send it to

I've seen fire and I've seen rain
I've seen sunny days that I thought would never end
I've seen lonely times when I could not find a friend
But I always thought that I'd see you again

Won't you look down upon me, Jesus
You've got to help me make a stand
You've just got to see me through another day
My body's aching and my time is at hand
And I won't make it any other way

Oh, I've seen fire and I've seen rain
I've seen sunny days that I thought would never end
I've seen lonely times when I could not find a friend
But I always thought that I'd see you again

Been walking my mind to an easy time my back turned towards the sun
Lord knows when the cold wind blows it'll turn your head around
There's hours of time on the telephone line to talk about things to come
Sweet dreams and flying machines in pieces on the ground

Oh, I've seen fire and I've seen rain
I've seen sunny days that I thought would never end
I've seen lonely times when I could not find a friend
But I always thought that I'd see you, baby, one more time again, now

Thought I'd see you one more time again
There's just a few things coming my way this time around, now
Thought I'd see you, thought I'd see you fire and rain, now


台長: 裘弟
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