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2015-01-07 05:33:33

never never give up

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9KVVPxexz1c&list=RDHCCzCKj9Bzed8&index=8 my dear paw:what is real?what is not?you confused me.i confused the world.what is it? JxxxS

2014-12-24 00:19:14

M Santa and about all snowmen

(FXXXXXK)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QCFwghVCvps(Reality)https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=av0QpbAXHq8i think it is better than without snowmen and SantaSo we sing at Christmas. for fun and for life...

2014-12-16 21:32:17

the turetles are so Q?te?

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L0MK7qz13bUsometimes i just mange tragedy in this way. 小爪昨天路過隔壁新的街區看到他們在選里長恩恩 小爪就湊過去看了ㄧ下,原來是,隔壁的阿伯三叔公出來競選每個人路過就送...

2014-12-14 17:58:28



2014-12-14 17:56:28


利用我的男性政客都到哪裡去了呢?????? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GE_4RtpVVaw&index=27&list=RDMMXPD-0b66Wv4

2014-12-13 13:43:53

ㄜ ㄜ ㄜㄜ ㄜ

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SmM0653YvXU&list=RDMMXPD-0b66Wv4&index=25lalalalahttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8d5QEWdHchkattack backkkkkkkkkkkkkkkevil dragon

2014-12-07 12:17:42

thank you

GDDDDDDDDDok, i admit you are sexy today.there is time limit.oaoa i am going to eat my cheese dibble.

2014-12-07 07:20:15

James' mode

let's talk about GX weekend mode.https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wyx6JDQCslEKKKKKKK(i don't look that.what's it?he just can't control it)

2014-12-06 09:11:59

let me talk about me and my best friends

1. they are all really adorable male2. they are super rich3. they are nice4. who are they?小爪今天路過DVD店 看到以上的海豹有這個標語。。於是想說,每天都有很重要的小事,都必須要注意,不然可能會有不好...

2014-12-06 09:09:38

let me talk about me and my best friends

1. they are all really adorable male2. they are super rich3. they are nice4. who are they?小爪今天路過DVD店 看到以上的海豹有這個標語。。於是想說,每天都有很重要的小事,都必須要注意,不然可能會有不好...

2014-12-05 06:06:55

tips of vending brother

小爪決定跟進練習ㄧ下sales的 procedureHow to sell your bro?1. ........................................................................ ....................................................................

2014-12-04 07:39:45

tips of selling car

小爪昨天路過車行 看到朋友在裡面賣車?事情是這樣的嗎?其實好像不是,朋友只是假裝自己在賣車。那我們就來談談賣車的幾個要點好了第一。 衣著整齊 ,不能看起來太流行,也不能看起來太隨便。第二。 面帶笑容。 第三...

2014-12-03 13:31:14


悲劇英雄 比較強大 比較有名悲劇 就是 資本主義的失敗 利他主義的失敗 利己主義的失敗誰成功了。 在悲劇裡面 導演?演員?或觀眾???沒有人。那為什麼喜歡悲劇,為什麼要導致悲劇的產生。。。?因為你們都是神經病...

2014-12-03 13:24:50

music spirit my mind

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u3u22OYqFGo&list=RDnfWlot6h_JM&index=9so we need this now. so you let loser's road.we all see. and we will do nothing.小爪刷刷刷刷~ 啾咪

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