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2005-10-02 04:59:30| 人氣60| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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don’t make any promises......
if people don’t keep it, then what’s the point of making it??
maybe it would have more freedom for each other if promises have not being made. no need to have any pressure or any motives to try to keep them. For some people, keeping promises for a long time would be very difficult, you know!

However, could he/she not making promises? anyone loves to make promises esp when they are so much in love when they came together.
But maybe somehow, they aren’t so much in love, then they don’t need to have such promises at all.
Then, this is the point, if they aren’t like or love each other, then how came they are together then?

don’t understand...........

台長: jOjO
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