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2005-09-30 00:49:12| 人氣102| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

English Homework

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1. What is your previous education ?

My previous education is very steady. All of my teachers are teach me hard. They teach everyone carefully, and they are nice. They give me a lot of knowledge. Let me grow up, and learn more. My previous education is well-knit, because my teacher could push everyone progress. Although the kind of life is busy, it can make me advancement.

2. What extracurricular activities do you participate in?

I seldom participate in extracurricular activities. I have no time, because I am busy.
I have to practice dancing everyday, so I don’t have any time to participate in extracurricular activities. That’s all.

3. What volunteer work or community service do you participate in?

I don’t have any volunteer work or community service. Like the question number 2, I am busy, but I really want to participate in some volunteer work or community service. The school schedule is really well-knit, so I have no time to participate in any volunteer work or community service.

4. Describe your work history.

Before, I work at my mother’s store. We are very busy, but we are happy. We always do it happily. After working, my mother and I rode a motorcycle to everywhere we want. It’s interesting. When I go to Taipei, I seldom go to my mother’s store to help her. I come home late everytime, so I can’t help my mother. I am so sorry about that.

5. Describe your most interesting work or educational experience.

When I am a junior high school student, I go to cram school twice a week. I learn English there. The English teacher is interesting and funny. She sometimes tell us some jokes, they make us laugh. I miss her so much, and I felt an immense gratitude to her.

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