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2005-09-27 20:49:42| 人氣83| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇


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很平常的 回到家 洗澡 洗衣服 曬衣服 吃飯 開電腦

開電腦後習慣就是開著即時通 看看我上百個通訊人今日的狀態
聽著音樂 喝著梅子+綠茶包 偶爾買瓶優酪乳喝著 一切都很正常

這時忽然有通即時訊息 打斷了我正在優雅聽著音樂喝著茶的雅興
看了一下帳號 不認識的 開始了我用我"畢生所學"的英文開始對話

陌生甲:This is Panna from bangladesh
ME:你是...??(這個人是怎樣 搞什麼英文對話?)
陌生甲:sorry?? English pls
ME:......I can’t(兵來將擋 水來土淹 你用英文對話我就勉強回一下...)
陌生甲:but u wrote...
ME:but....i do konw how do use english to take to u
english so bad sorry(呼...你死心了吧?)
陌生甲: i am not an english do u know bengali?
ME:what that?(這是什麼情形...?)
陌生甲:Language of us.. mother toung
ME:I see and then? (我勉強看的懂耶~~哈!)
陌生甲:may i know where you are from? i mean where are you living now?
ME:TAIWAI!(驕傲 哈哈!)
陌生甲:oh i c i thought you are from warsaw
ME:well...(這是去問別人"warsaw"的意思 是波蘭的首都 華沙?)
陌生甲: if you dont mind, what do you do??
陌生甲:are you a student??
陌生甲:i have an offer of part-time job,less labour n earn more
i think you will like it will i send you the offer..?
ME:What offer?(太多了反應不過過來啦>"<||)
陌生甲: i can give you lil idea like, consultacy regarding student       admission. i hope you will be clear reading the offer
in short you will have toget information fromcollege/university.
helping/gethering information regarding admission
and assist students like that understand??


ME:I think...(用英文解釋英文...天阿 看摩~"~a)
陌生甲:So give me your email address i will send you within 3 days
OK friend??
ME:no sorry i do not want no time BYE~

於是這短短的十幾分鐘內 就發生了這種莫名的英文對話...

※結論:從波蘭首都華沙傳來的即時訊息我收的到嗎...? 納悶中...

台長: 一品皇綬‧綠茶仙
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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