jakecowboy62: hay there
耗〞國王: ...
jakecowboy62: how’s your day going?
耗〞國王: Who are you?
jakecowboy62: was wondering that about you
jakecowboy62: how many screenname do you have?
jakecowboy62: your not on my list
jakecowboy62: but yahoo told me you where on line
耗〞國王: I don’t know you
jakecowboy62: so i thinking your on my list but under a differnt screenname
耗〞國王: I’m chinese.
jakecowboy62: kool i have a few on my list
耗〞國王: I don’t know
耗〞國王: Can you speak chinese ?
jakecowboy62: nope sorry
耗〞國王: That’s all right !
jakecowboy62: must just be some yahoo problem with programming
耗〞國王: What?
jakecowboy62: that it told me you where on line
耗〞國王: = =||
jakecowboy62: it’s oveis we have never talked before
耗〞國王: No!!
jakecowboy62: sorry you have a great day later
耗〞國王: Thanks and you
12點時 有個美國人密我
開始不知道的對話= =||
哈哈 以我知道的回他= =||
這提醒我 上英文課要認真= =||
Pic﹔那個美國人的照片 哈 我偷來的