[my phone's usb is totally broken tat i would show u guys the pic at school or wait till that fucking phone is back again!!]
Heyyyyyyyyyyyyy guys!!!!
today was just sooooooooooo fun!!
and i just feel like ENGLISH!
o im mad guyz
fine i’ll do it in chinese= =
在五角场那里= =|||(我超白痴,一开始以为5角场和徐家汇很近,后来我爸说他们隔着半个上海..= =)
好啦不要激动.....- -
要知道最近的我很讨厌出汗..后来我的身体就超出人类极限了!!!开始激动+破口大骂+极端等等etc.....后来thumblina整个就是shock到。奇怪,平时我不是这样的吗???i thought i was!!!!
再后来we serrendered。一个小时之后diana用他的手机去订车and i was totally shit that had no idea wat the guy is talking about in the phone and i didn’t even listen to the car’s number and thats why we’re almost dieing as we entered the car.哦好啦!中文!! diana因为我完全听不懂那司机在讲什么就自己和他讲,后来我们就听到diana很生气的说“什么??你在吃混沌?我们在这里都要死了你还在吃混沌???”我完全不相信怎么可能肯定是他听错了until我被温度从昏了头脑我竟然相信了他(and the other two)还一路跑去吉祥混沌= =||| 我们上车之后那个司机告诉我们他的原话是“我在吃红灯”
.............= =|||
and then it was sooooooooo lol that we start our conversation on vagina and stuff like that which lasted for the whole day (refer to the title) and diana was acting really TRUE about her dieing dog but we three at the back were laughing and joking around and diana said“司机叔叔你看!!我的狗都要死了他们还那么开心”it was in a really E
WWWW voice.
and i was like”对啊我很开心因为那只狗一直吃我的卫生棉lol!!!”
车上就很好玩啊当时那个时候都没有录东西所以不是很记得了EXCEPT the price is increasing like mad uh!!!
之前提到过,我以为是徐家汇那里的,but actually....yeah right!!so when we arrive it was like 90 something and the KINDLY driver thought we’re really having a dog dieing so he charged us for only 70. GOD WILL BLESS YOU DUDE!!!
i was looking forward to it dude!! ant when i saw that man i was like...Hey where are we going next huh?
diana, i was totally shocked at u..and tat handome man huh!!
之后我们到了滑雪场and oh my god that where everything begins.
diana and mimi是第一次溜冰然后一开始都很vegetable bird(谢发明的~)不过后来diana之后溜的不错了不过mimi就还是不行..它的中心一直在后面所以都会滑到..哎~
有一次diana想整我后来我让开了and then she totally crashed on thumblina and both of them tripped and fell and i was laghing like crazy..不过很可惜那里没有录到shit!
diana的性格是我们四个变成了走到哪里就是哪里的公众人物..although i’m the寿星,but she’s the spotlight huh!
之后溜冰场要清场,于是半个小时我们本来要无所事事浪费掉了,但是它却marked the beginning of the casy part ha!diana去问那个借鞋子的柜台那里我们还有多少时间,which she had crushed on the ugly guy which is totally !@#$%^& but diana was like”god he’s soooooo hot!”and asked if that guy canbe her bf and then 她还要和那个男的合照为了纪念我把那一段录了下来and之后就超级好笑的啊!!
后来我们无意中讲到了xxx,我才发现他是个贱人!!!god im so a stupid dumb ass that i just know it today!!!he was totally gay with a useless dick huh!!!没种的花心性无能! eat shit!
后来我们才发现录像的重要性!!! 我们跑去一个储物柜的地方坐下来。(途中还看到一个女人在“拉筋”xDDD)后来就开始发疯!!!那是最值得纪念的一段了ha!!and 我们就说到了那个女贱人!!and diana’s reflex part was definately exclusively super incredibly AWESOME!!!不当演员真是可惜了!!!!后来谢说我们很像吸了毒在哪里发疯xDDD 所有的人都看着我们 ms有一个小孩就看着我们疯笑哈哈哈!!!公众人物!!
and thumblina said”他是很贱但是我不讨厌他”让我感觉蛮矛盾的..- -
溜冰完之后换了鞋子感觉脚好酸..鞋子好轻..= =||
本来要在同一楼的kfc里面吃的,后来就是进去闹了一下就走了..= =|(我还在不满意什么?!)
跑去一家卖乐器的店,diana was still acting like crazy until 那个女的销售员在我们走的时候问mimi”他是不是脑子有病?” 我们本来都已经再下去的手扶梯上了,听到这句我们都决定和diana一起回去骂那个女人,于是看到4个短腿的白痴再下去的楼梯往上跑= =|||后来还是换回了往上的楼梯啦..
好像那里在搞活动,会送一个熊娃娃(?)里面装的是干草,when diana sees it she just took it and BITE it!! and we three was like...freezed...= =|||
anyways, thanks for your cakes huh..