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| | ◆ 產品編號 | 111011 | ◆ 建議價格 | 2,760元 | ◆ 規格容量 | 60包 | | 認 證 | 榮獲12項世界專利 特益菌專利:US7026162B2 、TW221854、JP3620831 膠原蛋白II型專利:US6780841、 US6323319、US6025327 寡多醣專利:AU 2001242392、CN 1400869、US 0068429、KR 10-516532、EP 1259125、JP 522822 SGS 檢測不含西藥:RO/2009/81106 | Patent No. | Probiotics No. US7026162B2 、TW221854、JP3620831 Type II Collagen Compound No. US6780841、 US6323319、US6025327 Oligo-Polysaccharides No. AU 2001242392、CN 1400869、US 0068429、KR 10-516532、EP 1259125、JP 522822 SGS NO. RO/2009/81106 | 特 色 | 奇威特益菌採用美國進口具專利的膠原蛋白Ⅱ型和日本各國具國際專利之特益菌(乳酸菌群),經生物科技精心研發,每包均含優質寡多醣、膠原蛋白Ⅱ型和300億株以上耐胃酸、耐膽鹽和耐高溫的第五代特益菌。再搭配100%天然紐西蘭奇異果萃取的奇異果酵素(Actinidin含硫蛋白分解 酉每),可發揮多重極致效能,改變細菌叢生態,幫助維持消化道機能,促進排便順暢,幫助牙齒、骨骼發育,健康由內而外散發,活力十足。 | Character | As we grow older, the number of good bacteria and collagen decreases. The product"s ingredients include different types of probiotics and collagenII whose formulas have been patented in different nations such as Japan, America,… etc. Each packet contains collagenII and more than 30 billion strains of probiotics which can withstand strong acid and high temperatures after being meticulously developed by the Health Biotech Company. E.D.COM provides healthful components that make the bones strong and regulate the bowels movement. Daily intake of this product not only brings you health but also makes you more confident, then, you will get a more colorful and exciting life. | 成 份 | 特益菌(乳酸菌群)、奇異果萃取物(含奇異果酵素)、膠原蛋白II型複合物、寡多醣、磷酸鈣、山梨糖醇、天然香料、二氧化矽、硬脂酸鎂。 | Ingredients | high purity probiotics, kiwi fruit extract (containing actinidin), type II collagen compound, oligo-polysaccharide, calcium phosphate, sorbitol, natural flavors, silicon dioxide, magnesium stearate | 內 容 量 | 60包/盒(每包2g±5%) | Contents | 60 packets/box (2g±5% per packet) | 食用方法 | 早晚飯後各1包,配合適量飲水 | Directions | Two packets per day, one in the morning and one in the evening after meals. The product should be taken with sufficient quantity of water | 保存方式 | 置於陰涼處,勿高溫曝曬 | Storage | Keep in a cool place, avoid exposure to high temperature. | 產品保險 | 3000萬 產品責任險 華南產物1400-972050329 | |
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