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Three sites for my music class

因為我TAKE緊既MUSIC要交三個關於京劇四大名旦既website當extra credit (得個零丁咁少分既一份assignment)﹐我今晚就上網search下﹐點知search 到好多京劇名旦梅蘭芳既靚相﹐哈哈~~~加上呢兩堂睇左一套關於佢既documentary film, 呢排對佢有份“熱衷”﹐好正GA佢真係﹐特別係佢係台上既一舉一動﹐真係絕靚~~~唔怪得個陣咁多人鐘意佢~~~~而且佢D生平都好值得我地學習﹐佢三十年代已經來過San Diego(仲係Washington DC, NY, SF, LA﹐同歐洲演出過)....又係一個“叻人唔需要係天才”既好例子。



好啦﹐以下係我既extra credit, 第三個SITE係關於四大名旦之一既程硯秋﹐我個PROF話﹐文人鐘意程﹐政要﹐有錢人就鐘意梅wor...大家有時間都不妨睇下呢三個SITE。我有時間都想寫一篇關於我點睇梅蘭芳既文﹐不過真係好多野做﹐唔想太傷心神(寫個種文要我用幾多腦)﹐所以唔知啦....

Site I:

This is a beautiful site arranged for the Mei Lang Fang Memorial Museum, and it is available in both Chinese and English version. However, the Chinese version is more informative, so I recommend visiting the chiense version if one can read it. There are even several music clips from Mei Lang Fang available on the site for people to download. They are excerpts sung by Mei in “Farewell my concubine”, “Drunken Beauty” etc. There are also description and research at another section of the site about the different forms of plays Mei is good at. There is a detailed and formal biography for Mei also, which gives us a good glimpse on the variety and enormous number of plays he had participated in.

One of the unique section of this page is that there are articles written by famous Chinese writers. Lao She (老舍) is one of the writers whom I personally like a lot and there’s an article from the site written by him. The glamorous writings about Mei help to make people feel more excited by learning about Mei.

Since this is a site originated from the museum, there are also detail descriptions on how to get to the museum, which is located at the prosperous part of Beijing city, and so this site is very useful to tourists who may want to visit there sometime.

Site II:

This site named “MeiLangFang world” should be a fans site for Mei Lang Fang. It is only available in Chinese, but the pictures there are very appealing and I like this site the most among the three on this assignment. Two of the many sections in this site give us information about Mei’s students and a list of where his students are living now around the World, while at the bottom panel of the site (which I didn’t see it was there after a while) has a section where people can click on and read about the content of the several most famous plays Mei had participated, each coming with a colored scene picture of Mei. There are also particular descriptions on Mei’s life as a young student, as an adolescent and there are photos of him since childhood. The different pictures of Mei acting as different roles make this site very alluring for me and I like how the webmaster chronologically arranged the order of the plays Mei had excelled in.

Site III:

This is a site for another Dan from the “Si Da Ming Dan” – Cheng YanQiu. In searching about him, I noticed that there is a really significant difference in the number of sites available. Not only that I couldn’t find one in English, even for the Chinese sites, the sites are less organized and informative as the ones for Mei Lang Fang’s.

Despite from the above, this is a very helpful site in learning about Cheng YanQiu. There are detailed description on Cheng’s whole life, and on the repertoires he was best at. As revealed from the site, Cheng is a very important person who contributed a lot to Chinese’s drama development, not only to Peking Opera. He was a Manchurian, who declared his identity as a Chinese afterwards. He had written several powerful books for opera and he did many researches on Chinese operas also. Both Mei and Cheng are respected by the Communists even though they represent traditional arts.

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