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2010-06-30 01:10:24| 人氣3,322| 回應2 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

[ 恭喜 ] 李君彥 小姐獲得 美國洛杉磯舉行的彩妝大賽 第三名.為台灣爭光!!

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[ 恭喜 ]  李君彥 小姐獲得 美國洛杉磯舉行的彩妝大賽 第三名.

 IMATS (International Makeup Artist Trade Show) .為台灣爭光,做的太好了!!


上週末(6/266/27)於洛杉磯舉行的IMATS(International Makeup Artist Trade Show) 每年在各國不同城市舉辦,洛杉磯場次為最大的場次。參展單位最多,活動規劃最密集,比賽的難度也因為參加人數多而更高。洛杉磯是彩妝師們心目中的天堂,而這每年的盛會也有數以萬計的彩妝師由世界各地湧入。


該場盛會每次會舉辦"創意彩妝組和特效彩妝組"兩個組別的比賽。本年度的創意彩妝組比賽主題為以Tim Burton電影版本的『愛麗絲夢遊仙境』為發揮主題,由參賽者發揮創意。台灣參賽者李君彥的創意概念為愛麗絲的晦暗面,以冷色調帶出幻想世界中晦澀、充滿危機感覺。試圖跳脫出以單一角色為設計概念的框架,給予彩妝與整體造型上更大的發揮空間。


評分標準為彩裝為主,著重在彩妝技巧、顏色搭配、設計概念、與主題配合程度。髮型為加分項目,所佔比重僅5%,而服裝部分不予計分。評審包括了Make up forever的創辦人 Dany Sanz。該場比賽則由德國 Kryolan 化妝品公司贊助。










Student Competition

The competition is open to students of a recognized make-up school and to those who have graduated 12 months prior to the competition date. Make-Up Artist will only accept competition entries postmarked May 21. Eight competitors will be selected for each competition. Cash and/or prizes will be awarded to first-, second- and third-place winners for each competition. To qualify, you must fill out and send us this form, along with 8-10 photos of different looks you have done. Photos don’t have to represent the make-up you plan to enter in the competition. All entries, photos and artwork become the non-returnable property of Make-Up Artist magazine.

IMATS Student Competition Beauty/Fantasy ThemeThis year's beauty/fantasy competition theme is Alice in Wonderland, inspired by director Tim Burton's re-imagining of the classic story. The beauty/fantasy competition takes place on Saturday, and the time limit is two hours.

The character/prosthetic competition theme for this year is Grimm's Fairy Tales, which pays homage to the classic stories from childhood. The character/prosthetic competition takes place on Sunday and deals with prosthetic applications and bald caps. The time limit for the character competition is three hours. No outside prosthetics are allowed, only the ones supplied by IMATS. IMATS Student Competition Character/Prosthetic Theme

For rules on the competitions,
click here. To see a video of previous competitions, go to the Video Gallery page under Attendees or Media/Press.

Mail all submission materials to:

Heather Wisner, Managing Editor
Make-Up Artist magazine
4018 NE 112th Ave. Suite D-8
Vancouver, WA 98682 USA




Photos: (Above left) Mia Wasikowska as Alice in Tim Burton's Alice in Wonderland (© Disney Enterprises, Inc. All rights reserved.); (Above right) A rendering of Rumpelstiltskin.



台長: jessica
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此分類下一篇:商學碩士 國際彩妝大賽奪銅 (Part 2)
此分類上一篇:2010/06/12 Selina 婚紗造型

太厲害了 !!真替她高興耶
2010-07-01 01:29:37
2010-11-26 19:30:02
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