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2007-10-22 16:47:02| 人氣2,034| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Nancy Hui——cathaypacific FA

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Nancy Hui
Flight Attendant

I still remember how excited I felt on the first day of training. I instantly gained 23 new friends and while we were all trying our best to be first in class, everyone was very supportive and helpful to each other. There is so much to learn, such as slide evacuation, first aid and customer service skills. The mock up in-flight service situations gave us lots of hands on experience and the opportunity to practice our newly found skills.

Two years on, I am happy to say the job has really lived up to my expectations. Meeting different people every day is both interesting and challenging. I learn something new from the passengers or crew every time I fly. I have learned that if you are happy, open and professional, people tend to act in the same way towards you.

I feel very lucky to have such an exciting job. My favourite destinations are London and Vancouver where I can visit friends, take in the sights and sample delicious cuisine. Then of course there’s Paris, Rome, Tokyo… In addition to flying duties Cathay also provides various career development events through which I can widen my horizon and explore my potential.

I am very proud of what I do and glad that I made the right choice two years ago. There will be many more new and exciting challenges waiting for me. I am looking forward to many more experiences and adventures as a Flight Attendant, where the sky really is the only limit!

"People really do not realise how much there is to this job."

台長: jenny&solar
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