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2007-03-25 15:12:01| 人氣123| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Wicked Game

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the world was on fire

no one could save me but you

strange what desire will make foolish people do

i never dreamed that i’d meet somebody like you

i never dreamed that i’d lose somebody like you


no,i don’t want to fall in love

(this love is only gonna break your heart)

with you

what a wicked game you play

to make me feel this way

what a wicked thing to do

to let me dream of you

what a wicked thing to say

you never felt this way

what a wicked thing to do

to let me dream of you

and i don’t want to fall in love

(this love is only gonna break your heart)


the love is piece of shit!!!!!!!

台長: ㄡ ㄍㄨ一ˋ
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