Everybody's searching for a hero...
People need someone to look up to...
I never found anyone to fulfill my needs...
A lonely place to be...
And so I learned to depend on me...
I decided long ago...
never to walk in anyone's shadow...
If I fail, if I succeed, ...
at least I'll live as I believe...
No matter what they take from me...
They can't take away my dignity ...
((惠妮休斯頓 the greatest love of all
幻騎士...白蘭..., (訪客)
[家教]投票ˇ, (小潔)
[家教]投票ˇ, (關芸)
歡迎光臨聊天版, (乖貓)
真真假假 假假真真, (菜菜)
真真假假 假假真真, (菜菜)
真真假假 假假真真, (絕席嵐)
歡迎光臨聊天版, (乖貓)
500題問卷~!! (喵喵點), (Lan)
歡迎光臨聊天版, (〝 雪骸 〞)
[家教]投票ˇ, (小潔)
[家教]投票ˇ, (關芸)
歡迎光臨聊天版, (乖貓)
真真假假 假假真真, (菜菜)
真真假假 假假真真, (菜菜)
真真假假 假假真真, (絕席嵐)
歡迎光臨聊天版, (乖貓)
500題問卷~!! (喵喵點), (Lan)
歡迎光臨聊天版, (〝 雪骸 〞)