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2003-11-24 10:24:21| 人氣115| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

My Song

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Song I wrote on 28th March 2000:

I’m dying at the western station
I’m crying to my heart’s satisfaction
No direction, consideration…
I’ve got questions out of my imagination

Can I call it independence when there is no one to help me?
Can I call you my friend when you don’t care about me?
I will walk along the streets even if the stars don’t shine
I still have to live my life even when there’s no one by my side

I’m thinking of the past times we’ve had
I’m leaving to keep you out of my head
New directions, considerations…
I’ve got questions and I’ve got my explanation

Can I call it independence when there is no one to help me?
Can I call you my friend when you don’t care about me?
I will walk along the streets even if the stars don’t shine
I still have to live my life even when there’s no one by my side--

I have got freedom with me
Don’t try to control me
By now can’t you see we are no friends to be?
I will play around the streets even if the stars don’t shine
I know I’ll enjoy my life even when you are not by my side

Some time after the birth of this song, my life was totally changed. Isn’t God’s work wonderful?

台長: 珍妮花


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