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中學有一日在新花園的更衣室, 我同佢講: 有一首歌好好聽, 係咁唱的...

You're the one for me
You're my ecstasy
You're the one I need

Get down
Get down
And move it around

Hey baby love I need a girl like you
But tell me if you feel it too
I'm in delusion every minute every hour
My heart is crying out for you

I feel in heaven when I look in your eyes
I know that you are the one for me
(One for me)
You drive me crazy cause
You're one of a kind
I want your lovin'
And I want it right now

Oh baby, you're so fine
I'm gonna make you mine
your lips taste so sweet
You're the one for me
You're my ecstasy
You're the one I need

Ooh baby you're so fine
I'm gonna make you mine
Your lips they taste so sweet
You're the one for me
You're my ectasy
You're the one I need

Rap: Smooth T.
Bang, bang, bang
Here we come
Here we slam
It's the Fun Factory
with the BSB's
Get on your knees
Tryin' to scream
Or touch me please
Backstreet Boys
Are you with it
A.J hit it!

Come on girl and get down
Smack it up
Flip it
And move it all around
Here it is if you wanna get with this
Put you at the top of my list

之後, 食中午飯都會想開收音機, 因為希望可以聽到呢首歌.

台長: 珍妮花
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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