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2004-03-31 14:05:00


【神使我喜笑(以撒)】 遙望眼前斜陽在照,靜眺碧海翻過浪潮; 凝視腳旁無盡細沙飄過,問我可否數算多少? 不經意百年韶華逝了,白髮披肩千縷萬條; 神在往年揚言屬我的子女,定似沙土遍塵囂! 垂頭問:「不...

2004-03-29 13:04:00


From: 明報 水 族 店 「 產 品 」 愈 來 愈 多 , 不 少 水 族 迷 愛 用 珊 瑚 等 各 種 生 物 裝 飾 家 中 的 水 族 箱 , 創 造 自 己 的 多 姿 多 彩 水 族 世 界 , 但 美 艷 水 族 生 物 背 後 可 能 隱 藏 ...

2004-03-22 18:46:00

Some things to know about

Many years ago, in Scotland, a new game was invented. It was ruled "Gentlemen Only...Ladies Forbidden"....and thus the word GOLF entered into the English language. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~...

2004-03-22 13:31:10

Monday Blues

(From the web) It’s the toughest and most dangerous day of the week – believe me! After a weekend of lazing and frolic, why is it so miserable to step out of the house on Monday morning? As B...

2004-03-03 13:47:00


熬夜加班,也要有技巧,才能依然身體硬朗。 否則,鐵打的身體,也受不了如此的日夜操勞呢! 因此,想要熬夜的您,千萬記住: 1.不要吃泡麵來填飽肚子,以免火氣太大。最好儘量以水果、土司、麵包、清粥小菜來充...

2004-02-28 11:12:00


*Posted with the permission from the author 2004年2月18日 星期三 晴 今天,是「法會」的一天。 「法會」是一個儀式,因為我們醫學院學生會有一門解莬學,當中會解莬一些屍體(我們稱大體老師)。而那些大...

2004-02-27 17:53:00

You are so BLESSED!

If you woke up this morning with more health than illness, you are more blessed than the million who won't survive the week. If you have never experienced the danger of battle, the loneliness of ...

2004-02-27 17:48:00


There's no such thing as a bad hug, only good ones and great ones Nonfattening and they don't cause cancer or cavities.. All natural with no preservatives, artificial ingredients or pesticide ...

2004-02-27 10:09:00


當你遇上以下情況, 這些號碼比起 999 更有效 – 當你憂傷時, 請撥.......................約翰福音 14 當你犯了罪, 請撥.......................詩篇 51 當你面對危難, 請撥.....................詩篇 91 當所...

2004-02-26 23:37:00


現時全球每四個小孩子,便有一個在每日收入少於港幣$8 的赤貧家庭中成長,他們終日捱餓、飲用污水,上學讀書更是難成的夢想。 「助養兒童計劃」是一個以兒童為中心,以社區為本的計劃,旨在長遠改善助養兒童、其家...

2004-02-26 23:31:00


資料來源: www.worldbank.org MISSION STATEMENT Our dream is a world free of poverty To fight poverty with passion and professionalism for lasting results. To help people help themselves and...

2004-02-23 15:21:00


何必去教會? by 李潘燕 有一個人寫了一封信去給當地報紙主編, 抱怨說每個禮拜天去教會作禮拜一點意義也沒有, 何必去呢? "到現在為止, 我已去了教會卅年, 聽過了三千次講道, 但我現在一篇也記不得. 所以, 我覺得去...

2004-02-23 14:53:00

Master's Card

Master's Card (Forwarded) There are some things money can't buy, for everything else there's Master card. I'm sure you've all received their applications in the mail. However, I'm here to adv...

2004-02-23 14:12:00

Refiner's Fire

A group of women were studying the book of Malachi. As they were studying chapter three, they came across verse three which says, "He will sit as a refiner and purifier of silver." This verse puzzl...

2004-02-20 11:13:00

Why do women cry??

"Why do you cry?" a boy asked his mom. "Because I'm a woman," she told him. "I don't understand," he said. His mum just hugged him and said, "And you never will" Later the little boy aske ...

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