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2006-01-06 23:59:02| 人氣92| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

Save Me

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Save Me

Save me save me save me wooh

I’ve gotta stop my mind
Working overtime
It’s driving me insane
It will not let me live
Always so negative
It’s become my enemy

Save me ah ah save me ah ah
save me ah wooh
Save me ah ah save me ah ah
save me ah wooh

Why would I think such things
Crazy thoughts have quick wings
Gaining momentum fast
One minute I am fine
The next I’ve lost my mind
To a fake fantasy

And none of these
thoughts are real
So why is it that I feel
So cut up and so bad
I need to take control
Coz my mind is on a roll
And it isn’t listening to me

Save me ah ah save me ah ah
save me ah wooh
[thinking and thinking]
Save me ah ah save me ah ah
save me ah wooh
[thinking and thinking]

Mirror mirror on the wall
Who’s the dumbest of them all
Insecurities keep growing
Wasted energies are flowing
Anger, pain and sadness beckon
Panic sets in in a second
Be aware it’s just your mind
And you can stop it anytime

Save me ah ah save me ah ah
save me ah wooh
[thinking and thinking]
Save me ah ah save me ah ah
save me ah wooh
[thinking and thinking]

Ok so here we go
If it works I’ll let you know
One two three I say stop

Missing You(好想你)

I wish this could be
a happy song
But my happiness disappeared
the moment you were gone
Don’t think I ever believed that
this day would come
Now all I’m feeling
is lost and numb

And ohhh I know I promised
Mmmm that I would try

But I, yes I, miss you
and it’s killing inside

I’ll always be thankful
for the time we had
We were blessed
I should celebrate
but I feel too sad
All the wonderful memories
just make me fall apart
And it feels like somebody’s
stabbed me in my heart

And ohhh I know I promised
Mmmm that I wouldn’t cry

But I, yes I, miss you
and it’s killing inside
Ooh well I, yes I, miss you
want you by my side

Walking, holding hands
Talking, making plans
Touching my heart my soul

I wish this could be
a happy song
But my happiness disappeared
the moment you were gone
Tell me it’s not happening
Say it’s not as it seems
Tell me that I’m gonna wake up
It’s just a bad dream
Please tell me that it’s fiction
Tell me it’s just a lie
Whatever you choose to tell me
Please say he didn’t die

And I, yes I, miss you
and it’s killing inside
Ooh well I, yes I, miss you
want you by my side
Ooh well I, miss you
want you by my side
Back here by my side
Here by my side

台長: 五顏六色小姐
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全站分類: 音樂賞析(音樂情報、樂評、歌詞、MV)

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