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2006-10-06 00:23:16| 人氣30| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

〖`` Is not ture . Right ? __ ಇ*

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英文的 /// 我的老毛病
不太想说的 就用英文打 ..
看不懂 ,, 就拉倒 ..

基本上 .. 我就是要让大家看不懂 ..
我英文不会很好 !!
但是 ,, 不把心情打上來我就是渾身不对勁 !!
只好使用这種方式 ,,

Tell me ... IS NOT TURE !!!

This’s a bad advice with me ...

I don’t wanna you and they become the friend .

Is not ture .

YES ?!

I think you only unthink get into scrapes with they .

Right ?!

They are not good guys !!!!

They are curs !!!

They are nothing !!!

They hurt me and lied me repeatedly .

I don’t believe their speaking .

However , granted my love really make the friend with they bad guys .

I can’t say something .

But !!

I wanna say .

I impossible and impossible to make a firend with they again !!!!

Because we became an enemy !!!!

台長: SUGAR 糖 - -
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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