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2006-07-21 22:50:27| 人氣24| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

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Mis. han.

you like he .. ?

Your sad .. that feel to have somebody know ..

If he will be back with you , I give up.

If that , I will not eke out those love.

He love’s who.

He had to choice.

Looked your diary .. I don’t know what can I say ?

That feel as me before ..

Also , you talk me .. have me go bake with he side.

I go bake ...

Bottom line .. ?!

You abrupt say you real real real love him .. ?

Why .. ?!

Eftsoon of you ..

Make me afeared ..

I real real .. real afeared he will love her again.

you know .. ?

台長: SUGAR 糖 - -
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全站分類: 心情日記(隨筆、日記、心情手札)

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