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2007-05-14 21:41:04| 人氣30| 回應0 | 上一篇 | 下一篇

♬〃 I  Want  It  That  Way

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You  are  my  fire

The  one  desire

Believe  when  I  say

I  want  it  that  way

But  we  are  two  worlds  apart

Can’t  reach  to  your  heart

When  you  say

That  I  want  it  that  way

Tell  me  why

Ain’t  nothing  but  a  heartache

Tell  me  why

Ain’t  nothing  but  a  mistake

Tell  me  why

I  never  wanna  hear  you  say

I  want  it  that  way

{{ 還不錯聽 中文翻起來怪怪 所以放棄貼中文 哈 好聽︿︿* }}

台長: ޓ 郭小方〃
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